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How to remove last n number of numeric characters from a string in perl

I have a situation where I need to remove the last n numeric characters after a / character.

For eg:


After the last /, I need the number 61 stripped out of the line so that the output is,


I tried using chop, but it removes only the last character, ie. 1, in the above example.

The last part, ie 61, above can be anything, like 221 or 2 or 100 anything. I need to strip out the last numeric characters after the /. Is it possible in Perl?

like image 445
Pradeesh Avatar asked May 23 '11 04:05


People also ask

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We can use the chop() method to remove the last character of a string in Perl. This method removes the last character present in a string. It returns the character that is removed from the string, as the return value.

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Concatenate strings by inserting a fullstop (.) operator between them. Perl will automatically 'stringify' scalar variables that were initialised as a number.

2 Answers

A regex substitution for removing the last digits:

my $str = '/iwmout/sourcelayer/iwm_service/iwm_ear_layer/pomoeron.xml@@/main/lsr_int_vnl46a/61';
$str =~ s/\d+$//;

\d+ matches a series of digits, and $ matches the end of the line. They are replaced with the empty string.

like image 161
Tim Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10


@Tim's answer of $str =~ s/\d+$// is right on; however, if you wanted to strip the last n digit characters of a string but not necessarily all of the trailing digit characters you could do something like this:

my $s = "abc123456";
my $n = 3; # Just the last 3 chars.
$s =~ s/\d{$n}$//; # $s == "abc123"
like image 42
maerics Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10
