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How to remove horizontal grid line in Google Column Chart?

How can I remove the horizontal grid line in my google column chart? I tried some of the solutions but can't still remove it. Thanks.

function drawVisualization() {
    // Create and populate the data table.
    var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
        ['Year', 'Austria', 'Belgium', 'Czech Republic', 'Finland', 'France', 'Germany'],
        ['2003',  1336060,   3817614,       974066,       1104797,   6651824,  15727003],
        ['2004',  1538156,   3968305,       928875,       1151983,   5940129,  17356071],
        ['2005',  1576579,   4063225,       1063414,      1156441,   5714009,  16716049],
        ['2006',  1600652,   4604684,       940478,       1167979,   6190532,  18542843],
        ['2007',  1968113,   4013653,       1037079,      1207029,   6420270,  19564053],
        ['2008',  1901067,   6792087,       1037327,      1284795,   6240921,  19830493]

    // Create and draw the visualization.
    new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('visualization')).
            title:"Yearly Coffee Consumption by Country",
            width:600, height:400,
            hAxis: {title: "Years", minorGridlines: { color: 'red' } }
like image 758
marknt15 Avatar asked Oct 28 '13 05:10


1 Answers

The horizontal grid lines are controlled by the vAxis.gridlines option. Set the vAxis.gridlines.color option to "transparent" to make them disappear:

vAxis: {
    gridlines: {
        color: 'transparent'
like image 86
asgallant Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 02:10
