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How to remove extra host only network interfaces created by vagrant on windows 10? [closed]

I have recently upgraded to Win 10 and hence to vagrant 1.7.4 and virtual box 5.0.2 r102096. While bringing one of the VM up using vagrant up, vagrant kept failing, but created new Host only adapters in the system on every attempt. Now I have 6 virtual host only adapters.

How do I remove the extraneous ones?

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Manish Sapariya Avatar asked Aug 19 '15 11:08

Manish Sapariya

4 Answers

Open "Network connections" right click on the adapter you want delete and select properties. Under Networking -> click on configure. go to Driver tab on the popup and click on uninstall. This will remove it from the list.

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Prashant Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10


Vboxmanage to the rescue.

Sample command:

vboxmanage hostonlyif remove "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3"
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Manish Sapariya Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10

Manish Sapariya

I was also facing the same problem.

I have solved it through the following solution

Go to Device Manager

click on Network Adapter

and then right click on virtual network adapter and uninstall option will come so remove it.

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Mudassir Khan Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10

Mudassir Khan

By far the cleanest way is to use VirtualBox to remove the extra adapters.

Had a lot of adapters. You can see this in Virtualbox under Preferences Lots of adapters

Got to delete them one by one. Delete them one by one

This deletes the Virtual Adapter Delete the Virtual Adapter

You can leave the adapters that you want.. or delete them all! Delete whatever you want

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user9382697 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 13:10
