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How to remove elements of list of array/structs that have 2 common elements

Having a list of structs OR maybe an array List each with 3 elements, like

12 8 7
5  1 0
7  3 2
10 6 5
6  2 1
8  4 3
6  1 5
7  2 6
8  3 7
9  4 8
11 7 6
13 9 8
11 6 10
12 7 11
13 8 12
14 9 13

I want to get rid of items that have 2 common subitems in list, in the example I would like to remove

5  1 0
6  2 1
6  1 5
7  3 2
7  2 6
8  4 3
8  3 7   has 2 same items as row 7,3,2
9  4 8   has 2 same items as row 8,4,3
10 6 5
11 7 6
11 6 10 has 2 same items as row 11,7,6
12 7 11 has 2 same items as row 11,7,10
12 8 7
13 8 12
13 9 8
14 9 13 has 2 same items as row 13,9,8

So using structs approach I am thinking in sorting the list by element A, then looping and comparing elements, in a way that If current element has 2 values equal to other element in list I do not add it to a result List, however I got stuck and do not know if there is a better approach

struct S
            public int A;
            public int B;
            public int C;            

public void test() 
            List<S> DataItems = new List<S>();
            DataItems.Add(new S { A = 1, B = 2, C=3} );
            DataItems.Add(new S { A = 12, B = 8, C = 7 });
            DataItems.Add(new S { A = 5, B = 1, C = 0 });
            DataItems.Add(new S { A = 7, B = 3, C = 2 });
            DataItems.Add(new S { A = 10, B = 6, C = 5 });
            DataItems.Add(new S { A = 6, B = 2, C = 1 });
            DataItems.Add(new S { A = 8, B = 4, C = 3 });
            DataItems.Add(new S { A = 6, B = 1, C = 5 });
            DataItems.Add(new S { A = 7, B = 2, C = 6 });
            DataItems.Add(new S { A = 8, B = 3, C = 7 });
            DataItems.Add(new S { A = 9, B = 4, C = 8 });
            DataItems.Add(new S { A = 11, B = 7, C = 6 });
            DataItems.Add(new S { A = 13, B = 9, C = 8 });
            DataItems.Add(new S { A = 11, B = 6, C = 10 });
            DataItems.Add(new S { A = 12, B = 7, C = 11 });
            DataItems.Add(new S { A = 13, B = 8, C = 12 });
            DataItems.Add(new S { A = 14, B = 9, C = 13 });
            var sortedList = DataItems.OrderBy(x => x.A);
            List<S> resultList = new List<S>();
            for (int i = 0; i < sortedList.Count (); i++)
               for (int j = i+1; j < sortedList.Count(); j++)
                 if (sortedList.ElementAt(i).A == sortedList.ElementAt(j).A || sortedList.ElementAt(i).A == sortedList.ElementAt(j).B || sortedList.ElementAt(i).A == sortedList.ElementAt(j).C)                        
                  //ONE HIT, WAIT OTHER

Is there a more efficient way to get the list without having item with 2 same items so I would get, instead of hardcoding the solution?

5  1 0
6  2 1
6  1 5
7  3 2
7  2 6
8  4 3
10 6 5
11 7 6
12 8 7
13 8 12
13 9 8
like image 271
edgarmtze Avatar asked Jan 18 '16 02:01


2 Answers

Given an item...

{ A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 }

You have 3 possible combinations that could be repeated in another item, e.g.

AB, AC & BC which is {1, 2}, {1, 3} & {2, 3}

So what I would do is iterate through your list, add those combinations to a dictionary with a separator char (lowest number first so if B < A then add BA rather than AB). So you dictionary keys might be...

"1-2", "1-3", "2-3"

Now as you add each item, check if the key already exists, if it does then you can ignore that item (don't add it to the results list).

Performance-wise this would be once through the whole list and using the dictionary to check for items with 2 common numbers.

like image 105
Quantumplate Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11


One way to solve it is by introducing intermediate methods in the struct S:

public struct S {
    public int A;
    public int B;
    public int C;

    public bool IsSimilarTo(S s) {
        int similarity = HasElement(A, s) ? 1 : 0;
        similarity += HasElement(B, s) ? 1 : 0;
        return similarity >= 2 ? true : HasElement(C, s);           

    public bool HasElement(int val, S s) {
        return val == s.A || val == s.B || val == s.C;

    public int HasSimilarInList(List<S> list, int index) {
        if (index == 0)
            return -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < index; ++i)//compare with the previous items
            if (IsSimilarTo(list[i]))
                return i;
        return -1;

Then you can solve it like this without ordering:

public void test() {
    List<S> DataItems = new List<S>();
    DataItems.Add(new S { A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 });
    DataItems.Add(new S { A = 12, B = 8, C = 7 });
    DataItems.Add(new S { A = 5, B = 1, C = 0 });
    DataItems.Add(new S { A = 7, B = 3, C = 2 });
    DataItems.Add(new S { A = 10, B = 6, C = 5 });
    DataItems.Add(new S { A = 6, B = 2, C = 1 });
    DataItems.Add(new S { A = 8, B = 4, C = 3 });
    DataItems.Add(new S { A = 6, B = 1, C = 5 });
    DataItems.Add(new S { A = 7, B = 2, C = 6 });
    DataItems.Add(new S { A = 8, B = 3, C = 7 });
    DataItems.Add(new S { A = 9, B = 4, C = 8 });
    DataItems.Add(new S { A = 11, B = 7, C = 6 });
    DataItems.Add(new S { A = 13, B = 9, C = 8 });
    DataItems.Add(new S { A = 11, B = 6, C = 10 });
    DataItems.Add(new S { A = 12, B = 7, C = 11 });
    DataItems.Add(new S { A = 13, B = 8, C = 12 });
    DataItems.Add(new S { A = 14, B = 9, C = 13 });
    int index = 1; //0-th element does not need to be checked
    while (index < DataItems.Count) {
        int isSimilarTo = DataItems[index].HasSimilarInList(DataItems, index);
        if (isSimilarTo == -1) {
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Ian Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11
