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How to remove element from postgres jsonb by key value?

I have a jsonb column with this format.

    "categoryList": [{
        "category_menu_id": "51",
        "is_featured_product": 0
    }, {
        "category_menu_id": "54",
        "is_featured_product": 1

How to remove category by category_menu_id?

This select query is working fine by category_menu_id.

select product_category 
from product  
where product_category->'categoryList' @> '[{"category_menu_id": "51"}]';
like image 823
Pranay Soni Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 09:10

Pranay Soni

1 Answers

Example data (note that I have added a primary key id to enable updating the table):

create table product(id int primary key, product_category jsonb);
insert into product values
    "categoryList": [{
        "category_menu_id": "51",
        "is_featured_product": 0
    }, {
        "category_menu_id": "54",
        "is_featured_product": 1

This query skips the element with "category_menu_id": "51" from the json array:

select jsonb_build_object('categoryList', jsonb_agg(value))
from product,
where value->>'category_menu_id' <> '51';

 {"categoryList": [{"category_menu_id": "54", "is_featured_product": 1}]}
(1 row) 

Use the above query to update the table:

update product p
set product_category = (
    select jsonb_build_object('categoryList', jsonb_agg(value))
    from product ps,
    where ps.id = p.id      -- important! primary key to identify a row
    and value->>'category_menu_id' <> '51')
returning *;

 id |                             product_category                             
  1 | {"categoryList": [{"category_menu_id": "54", "is_featured_product": 1}]}
(1 row) 
like image 136
klin Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11
