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How to remove duplicates from a dataframe?




My current df looks like this:

    IDnumber     Subid      Subsubid     Date        Originaldataindicator
      a            1          x           2006           NaN
      a            1          x           2007           NaN
      a            1          x           2008           NaN
      a            1          x           2008           1

The originaldataindicator is the result of the fact that some of these observations were created to get all three years for each IDnumber, while some existed in the original dataset. What I want to achieve is to drop the duplicates and prefarably keep the original data. Note that the originaldataindicator will not always be the last observation. To solve this I first sort on Idnumber Date Originaldataindicator

However when I use:

  df=df.drop_duplicates(subset=['IDnumber', 'Subid', 'Subsubid', 'Date'])

Nothing happens and I still observe the duplicate.

  df=df.drop_duplicates(subset=['IDnumber', 'Subid', 'Subsubid', 'Date'], inplace=True)

gives me an empty dataframe.

Am I misinterpreting what drop_duplicates does ?

Just to avoid confusion, this is what I want:

    IDnumber     Subid      Subsubid     Date        Originaldataindicator
      a            1          x           2006           NaN
      a            1          x           2007           NaN
      a            1          x           2008           1

The data includes thousands of these ID's

like image 712
Peter Avatar asked Feb 08 '23 17:02


2 Answers

I think you need groupby and sort_values and then use parameter keep=first of drop_duplicates:

print df
  IDnumber  Subid Subsubid  Date  Originaldataindicator
0        a      1        x  2006                    NaN
1        a      1        x  2007                    NaN
2        a      1        x  2008                    NaN
3        a      1        x  2008                      1
4        a      1        x  2008                    NaN

df = df.groupby(['IDnumber', 'Subid', 'Subsubid', 'Date'])
              .apply(lambda x: x.sort_values('Originaldataindicator')).reset_index(drop=True)
print df
  IDnumber  Subid Subsubid  Date  Originaldataindicator
0        a      1        x  2006                    NaN
1        a      1        x  2007                    NaN
2        a      1        x  2008                      1
3        a      1        x  2008                    NaN
4        a      1        x  2008                    NaN

df1=df.drop_duplicates(subset=['IDnumber', 'Subid', 'Subsubid', 'Date'], keep='first')
print df1
  IDnumber  Subid Subsubid  Date  Originaldataindicator
0        a      1        x  2006                    NaN
1        a      1        x  2007                    NaN
2        a      1        x  2008                      1

Or use inplace:

df.drop_duplicates(subset=['IDnumber','Subid','Subsubid','Date'], keep='first', inplace=True)
print df
  IDnumber  Subid Subsubid  Date  Originaldataindicator
0        a      1        x  2006                    NaN
1        a      1        x  2007                    NaN
2        a      1        x  2008                      1

If column Originaldataindicator have multiple values use duplicated (maybe ther can be add all columns IDnumber,Subid,Subsubid,Date) and isnull:

print df
  IDnumber  Subid Subsubid  Date  Originaldataindicator
0        a      1        x  2006                    NaN
1        a      1        x  2007                    NaN
2        a      1        x  2008                    NaN
3        a      1        x  2008                      1
4        a      1        x  2008                      1

print df[~((df.duplicated('Date',keep=False))&~(pd.notnull(df['Originaldataindicator'])))]
  IDnumber  Subid Subsubid  Date  Originaldataindicator
0        a      1        x  2006                    NaN
1        a      1        x  2007                    NaN
3        a      1        x  2008                      1
4        a      1        x  2008                      1

Explaining conditions:

print df.duplicated('Date', keep=False)
0    False
1    False
2     True
3     True
4     True
dtype: bool

print (pd.isnull(df['Originaldataindicator']))
0     True
1     True
2     True
3    False
4    False
Name: Originaldataindicator, dtype: bool

print ~((df.duplicated('Date', keep=False)) & (pd.isnull(df['Originaldataindicator'])))
0     True
1     True
2    False
3     True
4     True
dtype: bool
like image 70
jezrael Avatar answered Feb 10 '23 06:02


Consider this:

df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3, 3, 3], 'b': [1, 2, None, 1, None]})


>>> df.sort_values(by=['a', 'b']).groupby(df.a).first()[['b']].reset_index()
    a   b
0   1   1
1   2   2
2   3   1

Sorts the items by first a, then b (thus pushing the None values in each group last), then selects the first item per group.

I believe you can modify this to the specifics of your problem.

like image 23
Ami Tavory Avatar answered Feb 10 '23 06:02

Ami Tavory