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How to remove duplicate digits from integers in list

I have this list

names = [ ["cat", 9112, "dog123", 5625], ["luck", 1232, "bad23"] ]

According to this question I have done it by using this code

names = [ ["cat", 9112, "dog123", 5625], ["luck", 1232, "bad23"] ]
new = [[x for x in y if isinstance(x, int)] for y in names]

Output -: [[9112, 5625], [1232]]


Now I want to remove duplicate numbers like this.

expected output -: [[912, 562], [123]]

I was using this code but it wasn't working

m = sorted(list(set(new)))

Error -:

Traceback (most recent call last):    
   File "main.py", line 13, in <module>     
     m = sorted(list(set(new)))     
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

Note -: I want to keep only first original digits.(eg -: 1232 need to become 123 not 132)

like image 704
Kalana Avatar asked Dec 23 '19 05:12


3 Answers

A list is mutable; in Python mutable containers are not hashable. set(names) needs to hash the elements of names to sort them but your names list has list as it's elements (["cat", 9112, "dog123", 5625] and ["luck", 1232, "bad23"]) and hence, it can't be converted to a set.

Try this:

names = [ ["cat", 9112, "dog123", 5625], ["luck", 1232, "bad23"] ]

li = [[x for x in y if isinstance(x, int)] for y in names]
final = [["".join(sorted(set(str(x)), key=str(x).index)) for x in y] for y in li]

It gives the following output:

[[9112, 5625], [1232]] 
[['912', '562'], ['123']] 


This solution will give the desired result. It may not be best and optimal solution and OP hasn't mentioned anything related to performance.

like image 88
abhiarora Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 11:10


names = [ ["cat", 9112, "dog123", 5625], ["luck", 1232, "bad23"],["123"] ]
for n_list in names:
    for n in n_list:
        if type(n)==int:
            new_str = []
            for digit in str(n):
                if digit not in new_str:
            undated_n_list.append(int("".join(map(str, new_str))))
    if undated_n_list:


[[912, 562], [123]]

It is bit lengthy but hopefully it works for you.

like image 33
Vashdev Heerani Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 09:10

Vashdev Heerani

Here's a function to turn integers into ones with unique digits:

def to_uniq_digit_int(n):
      seen = set() # A set that collects seen digits
      result = 0
      for i in str(n): # A lazy way to iterate over digits in an integer
          if i not in seen:
              # Since we are iterating from the most significant to the least significant, we can multiply the result by ten each time to move the integer one digit left
              result = result * 10 + int(i)
      return result

Using a helper function may help with readability of your code.

like image 41
satoru Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 11:10
