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How to remove blank space around SVG





I have an SVG showing on a simple web page, but once I resize the image beyond a certain size (height: ~65vh) the SVG has an invisible space around it that makes the page massive and have a scroll bar that goes down, and the image also has a large margin on the top. I've tried reducing the size of the viewbox in the SVG and setting the height and width in CSS. This is what the page looks like with the following code and snippet: I simply want the SVG to not have the massive border around it and just have the chip to manipulate the size of. enter image description here

.body {
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like image 313
Wargog Avatar asked Nov 23 '15 17:11


People also ask

How do I remove white spaces in Inkscape?

To get rid of the white background in Inkscape, go to File and Select Document Properties. There will be a Background section. Check the box of the Checkerboard Background option. Now all the white space of the document will be gone.

1 Answers

I opened your svg on Inkscape and resized the document size to fit the content. (File -> Document Properties -> Resize page to content -> Resize page to drawing or selection)


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Now that the svg was fixed, you can put it in your file and set the height. In this case height:70vh; (For performance reasons, it's recommended to set height and width, but it's up to you).

#Layer_1{ /*Change svg id to a meaningful name*/
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  <title>CPU Animation / joshstroup.me</title>


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like image 114
dap.tci Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 15:10
