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How to remove blank lines from a C# List<string>?



I am trying to create a routine in C# that sorts a list added to a Multi-Line text box. Once that is done, there is an option to remove all blank lines. Can someone tell me how I would go about doing this? here is what I have so far, but it doesn't work at all when I select the box and click sort:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    char[] delimiterChars = { ',',' ',':','|','\n' };
    List<string> sortBox1 = new List<string>(textBox2.Text.Split(delimiterChars));

    if (checkBox3.Checked) //REMOVE BLANK LINES FROM LIST
        sortBox1.RemoveAll(item => item == "\r\n");

    textBox3.Text = string.Join("\r\n", sortBox1);
like image 483
Jeagr Avatar asked Dec 16 '12 01:12


2 Answers

If you're splitting the string on '\n', sortBox1 won't contain a string containing \n. I would just use String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace, though:

like image 80
Ry- Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 16:10


You forgot to sort the lines:


A blank line is not "\r\n", that is a line break. Blank lines are empty strings:

sortBox1.RemoveAll(item => item.Length == 0);

You can also remove the blank lines when splitting the string:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    char[] delimiterChars = { ',',' ',':','|','\n' };

    StringSplitOptions options;
    if (checkBox3.Checked) {
        options = StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries;
    } else {
        options = StringSplitOptions.None;

    List<string> sortBox1 = new List<string>(textBox2.Text.Split(delimiterChars, options));
    textBox3.Text = string.Join("\r\n", sortBox1);
like image 44
Guffa Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 14:10
