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How to remove automatic SafeArea from ListView?


I just added a ListView as a child of Scaffold > Stack and it appears to have SafeArea at the top. Column does not have this problem. Is there any way for me to remove it?

Container(   color: Colors.grey[100],   child: ListView(     children: <Widget>[       Image(         image: snapshot.data.hero,         height: 300.0,         fit: BoxFit.cover,       ),     ],   ), ), 

ListView enter image description here

Column enter image description here

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Luke Pighetti Avatar asked Aug 30 '18 21:08

Luke Pighetti

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How do I turn off safe area in flutter?

bottom : This property is of type bool. It is true by default and setting it to false would disable SafeArea from adding padding to the bottom of the screen. top : This property is also of type bool and setting it to false would avoid padding at top of the screen.

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In Flutter, ListView is a scrollable list of widgets arranged linearly. It displays its children one after another in the scroll direction i.e, vertical or horizontal. There are different types of ListViews : ListView. ListView.

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2 Answers

From the ListView documentation:

By default, ListView will automatically pad the list's scrollable extremities to avoid partial obstructions indicated by MediaQuery's padding. To avoid this behavior, override with a zero padding property.

So the fix is:

ListView(   padding: EdgeInsets.zero,   ... ); 
like image 175
boformer Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 09:10


Found this solution as well

MediaQuery.removePadding(   context: context,   removeTop: true,   child: ListView(...), ) 
like image 35
Luke Pighetti Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 07:10

Luke Pighetti