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How to remove an appended element with Jquery and why bind or live is causing elements to repeat

Now I know this basic question has been asked before, but I must be doing something wrong. I know that an appended element must bound before I can do anything to it. However, try as I might I can't get it to work.

I am pulling in a message and displaying when people click a radio select. When ever I try to bind the new element, it stacks in odd ways. It will start to stack the elements. eg- [Click 1]message 1, [Click 2] message 1 and 2 and so on.

I have tried a whole bunch of different ways to bind it. My hope was the remove would strip #feedback and then create and bind the next message. I must be doing something terribly wrong. I know this is very similar to other posts, but I went through all of them and was not able to find a clear enough answer to help. Thank you in advance.


<div class="answers">
            <input id="answer" type="radio" onclick="feedback('THE MESSAGE HTML')"><label>Label</label>


function feedback(message)
    $('#answer').live('click', function()

    $('#answer').live('click', function()
        $('.answers').append('<div id="feedback">'+message+'</div>');
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user1197728 Avatar asked Sep 25 '12 17:09


People also ask

How do I delete appended data?

Approach 1: Initially use removeClass() method to remove active class of previously appended data menu item. Then followed by addClass() method to add active class of currently appended data menu item. Now use each() function to append data with respect active class added or removed on click.

Which method is used to remove the element from set content in jQuery?

jQuery remove() Method The remove() method removes the selected elements, including all text and child nodes. This method also removes data and events of the selected elements.

How do you bind change event in jQuery for dynamically added HTML element?

If you try to bind the elements that are dynamically added to the DOM using the click() method of jQuery, this will not work, because it only binds the click event to elements that exist at the time of the “binding”. To bind the click event to all existing and future elements, use jQuery's on() method.

1 Answers

If I understand your question correctly, I've made a fiddle that has this working correctly. This issue is with how you're assigning the event handlers and as others have said you have over riding event handlers. The current jQuery best practice is to use on() to register event handlers. Here's a link to the jQuery docs about on: link

Your original solution was pretty close but the way you added the event handlers is a bit confusing. It's considered best practice to not add events to HTML elements. I recommend reading up on Unobstrusive JavaScript.

Here's the JavaScript code. I added a counter variable so you can see that it is working correctly.

$('#answer').on('click', function() {
  feedback('hey there');

var counter = 0;

function feedback(message) {


  $('.answers').append('<div id="feedback">' + message + ' ' + counter + '</div>');

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richoffrails Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09
