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How to remove all except some DOM elements in JQuery?



I would like to remove all hidden elements in a piece of the DOM, but preserving all (included hidden items) under certain class.

Here you have a (non) working example:

<div id="init">
    <input type="hidden" name="x" value="y" />
        <li class="block">

CSS: li { "display:none" }

So, I'm looking for the selector that removes all hidden items except those that have a block class or are under a block class. In this case the expected result is:

<div id="init">
        <li class="block">

I've been playing with :not operator, but no success.

like image 251
Ivan Avatar asked Oct 04 '11 19:10


1 Answers

You mean like this?

$(':hidden').not('.block, .block *').remove();


$(':hidden:not(.block, .block *)').remove();

But $.fn.not() is a little more reliable than :not()

like image 176
zzzzBov Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
