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How to remove all chars except those in CharacterSet in Swift




I am trying to trim a phone number and using the following code but it does not trim whitespace or the '-'. I need to erase all chars except those in the character set given

 func trimmedNumber(s : String)->String
    let characterSet = NSCharacterSet(charactersInString: "+*#0123456789")
   let trimmedString =  s.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(characterSet.invertedSet)
    return trimmedString
like image 692
tech74 Avatar asked Aug 28 '15 11:08


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To remove specific set of characters from a String in Swift, take these characters to be removed in a set, and call the removeAll(where:) method on this string str , with the predicate that if the specific characters contain this character in the String.

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Removing the specific character To remove the specific character from a string, we can use the built-in remove() method in Swift. The remove() method takes the character position as an argument and removed it from the string.

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To remove last character of a String in Swift, call removeLast() method on this string. String. removeLast() method removes the last character from the String.

What is CharacterSet in Swift?

Overview. A CharacterSet represents a set of Unicode-compliant characters. Foundation types use CharacterSet to group characters together for searching operations, so that they can find any of a particular set of characters during a search.

2 Answers

Swift 3/4:

let set = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "+*#0123456789")
let stripped = s.components(separatedBy: set.inverted).joined()
like image 126
dalton_c Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09


func trimmedNumber(s : String) -> String {
  let characterSet = Set("+*#0123456789".characters)
  return String(s.characters.lazy.filter(characterSet.contains))

Or in Swift 1:

func trimmedNumber(s : String) -> String {
  let characterSet = Set("+*#0123456789")
  return String(lazy(s).filter { characterSet.contains($0) })
like image 24
oisdk Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09
