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How to register eureka-clients with eureka-server on different hosts. Spring-boot

I'm running my eureka-server on my localhost. I'm able to register all my other on localhost running services and everthing works like expected.

Now I want to register a service which is running on a linux machine. My properties looks like that:


But the service is not able to register on eureka server on localhost. (At the end its the same service which runs on localhost)

I get those exceptions:

java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
com.netflix.discovery.shared.transport.TransportException: Cannot execute request on any known server

But I'm able to get my configuration files from my config-service running on localhost.

Which configurations do I need to register my service to eureka from linux machine(client) to localhost(server)?

This annotations do I use:


public class MyServiceApplication {


public class EurekaServiceApplication {

P.S.:Also the opposit way is not working. Means having eureka server on linux machine and the services on localhost. Get the same exceptions.


Eureka-Server properties:



testsrv is the linux machine. (

2016-08-31 09:17:01.912  INFO 27105 --- [           main] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient    : Starting heartbeat executor: renew interval is: 30
2016-08-31 09:17:01.919  INFO 27105 --- [           main] c.n.discovery.InstanceInfoReplicator     : InstanceInfoReplicator onDemand update allowed rate per min is 4
2016-08-31 09:17:01.923  INFO 27105 --- [           main] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient    : Discovery Client initialized at timestamp 1472627821923 with initial instances count: 0
2016-08-31 09:17:02.068  INFO 27105 --- [           main] c.n.e.EurekaDiscoveryClientConfiguration : Registering application reservation-service with eureka with status UP
2016-08-31 09:17:02.070  INFO 27105 --- [           main] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient    : Saw local status change event StatusChangeEvent [timestamp=1472627822070, current=UP, previous=STARTING]
2016-08-31 09:17:02.073  INFO 27105 --- [nfoReplicator-0] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient    : DiscoveryClient_RESERVATION-SERVICE/testsrv1.myDomain.lan:reservation-service:8002: registering service...
2016-08-31 09:17:02.173 ERROR 27105 --- [nfoReplicator-0] c.n.d.s.t.d.RedirectingEurekaHttpClient  : Request execution error

com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

2016-08-31 09:17:02.174  WARN 27105 --- [nfoReplicator-0] c.n.d.s.t.d.RetryableEurekaHttpClient    : Request execution failure
2016-08-31 09:17:02.175  WARN 27105 --- [nfoReplicator-0] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient    : DiscoveryClient_RESERVATION-SERVICE/testsrv1.myDomain.lan:reservation-service:8002 - registration failed Cannot execute request on any known server

com.netflix.discovery.shared.transport.TransportException: Cannot execute request on any known server

2016-08-31 09:17:02.175  WARN 27105 --- [nfoReplicator-0] c.n.discovery.InstanceInfoReplicator     : There was a problem with the instance info replicator

com.netflix.discovery.shared.transport.TransportException: Cannot execute request on any known server

2016-08-31 09:17:02.594  INFO 27105 --- [           main] s.b.c.e.t.TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer : Tomcat started on port(s): 8002 (http)
2016-08-31 09:17:02.596  INFO 27105 --- [           main] c.n.e.EurekaDiscoveryClientConfiguration : Updating port to 8002
2016-08-31 09:17:04.134  INFO 27105 --- [           main] o.h.h.i.QueryTranslatorFactoryInitiator  : HHH000397: Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
2016-08-31 09:17:04.659  INFO 27105 --- [           main] a.e.ReservationServiceApplication        : Started ReservationServiceApplication in 44.893 seconds (JVM running for 47.272)
2016-08-31 09:17:31.913  INFO 27105 --- [freshExecutor-0] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient    : Disable delta property : false
2016-08-31 09:17:31.914  INFO 27105 --- [freshExecutor-0] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient    : Single vip registry refresh property : null
2016-08-31 09:17:31.914  INFO 27105 --- [freshExecutor-0] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient    : Force full registry fetch : false
2016-08-31 09:17:31.914  INFO 27105 --- [freshExecutor-0] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient    : Application is null : false
2016-08-31 09:17:31.914  INFO 27105 --- [freshExecutor-0] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient    : Registered Applications size is zero : true
2016-08-31 09:17:31.914  INFO 27105 --- [freshExecutor-0] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient    : Application version is -1: true
2016-08-31 09:17:31.914  INFO 27105 --- [freshExecutor-0] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient    : Getting all instance registry info from the eureka server
2016-08-31 09:17:31.917 ERROR 27105 --- [freshExecutor-0] c.n.d.s.t.d.RedirectingEurekaHttpClient  : Request execution error

com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

2016-08-31 09:17:31.917  WARN 27105 --- [freshExecutor-0] c.n.d.s.t.d.RetryableEurekaHttpClient    : Request execution failure
2016-08-31 09:17:31.918 ERROR 27105 --- [freshExecutor-0] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient    : DiscoveryClient_RESERVATION-SERVICE/testsrv1.myDomain.lan:reservation-service:8002 - was unable to refresh its cache! status = Cannot execute request on any known server

com.netflix.discovery.shared.transport.TransportException: Cannot execute request on any known server

2016-08-31 09:17:31.924 ERROR 27105 --- [tbeatExecutor-0] c.n.d.s.t.d.RedirectingEurekaHttpClient  : Request execution error

com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

DiscoveryClient_RESERVATION-SERVICE/testsrv1.myDomain.lan:reservation-service:8002 - was unable to send heartbeat!



Maven: org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-commons:1.1.1.RELEASE
Maven: org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-config-client:1.1.2.RELEASE
Maven: org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-context:1.1.1.RELEASE
Maven: org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-netflix-core:1.1.5.RELEASE
Maven: org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-netflix-eureka-client:1.1.5.RELEASE
Maven: org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-starter:1.1.1.RELEASE
Maven: org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-archaius:1.1.5.RELEASE
Maven: org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-config:1.1.3.RELEASE
Maven: org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-eureka:1.1.5.RELEASE
Maven: org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-ribbon:1.1.5.RELEASE

Maven: org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-netflix-eureka-server:1.1.5.RELEASE
like image 811
Patrick Avatar asked Aug 31 '16 06:08


People also ask

How do I register Eureka client to Eureka server?

The @EnableEurekaClient annotation makes your Spring Boot application act as a Eureka client. To register the Spring Boot application into Eureka Server we need to add the following configuration in our application. properties file or application. yml file and specify the Eureka Server URL in our configuration.

Can we have multiple Eureka servers?

Generally, there will be multiple Eureka servers running so that to make it highly available. This is actually running multiple instances that intercommunicate with each other and what they do is they copy the replicate state of the registered services between them.

1 Answers

After changing .properties to .yml file of one of my service and corrected misspelling of defaultZone everything works like expected.

like image 191
Patrick Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 21:10
