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How to reference theme attributes in Jetpack Compose?

So in the current andriod development, if we need to reference to a color set in the theme, we could simply do: (in layout xml)


If I set a color blue in the theme. I will get that color in the textview above.

I was wondering how I could do the same in Jetpack Compose. In Compose, we do,

MaterialTheme(...) {
    Column {
            textStyle = TextStyle(color = ????) // How to I reference to the theme?
like image 594
Archie G. Quiñones Avatar asked Jul 18 '20 16:07

Archie G. Quiñones

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2 Answers

You can use something like:

Text(text = "....",
     style = TextStyle(color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary))
like image 194
Gabriele Mariotti Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 06:10

Gabriele Mariotti

Compose provide ColorPalette based on Material color specification to generate you app theme. It provide lightColorPalette and darkColorPalette for defining theme for light and dark mode respectively.

val lightThemeColors = lightColorPalette(
    primary = Color(0xFFFFFFFF),
    primaryVariant = Color(0xFFFFFFFF),
    onPrimary = Color.Black,
    secondary = Color.Transparent,
    onSecondary = Color.White,
    background = Color.White,
    onBackground = Color(0xFF212121),
    surface = Color.White,
    onSurface = Color(0xFF212121),
    error = Color.Red,
    onError = Color.White
val darkThemeColors = darkColorPalette(
    primary = Color(0xFF000000),
    primaryVariant = Color(0xFF000000),
    onPrimary = Color.White,
    secondary = Color.White,
    onSecondary = Color.White,
    surface = Color(0xFF212121),
    background = Color(0xFF212121),
    onBackground = Color.White,
    onSurface = Color.White,
    error = Color.Red,
    onError = Color.White
colors = if(isSystemInDarkTheme()) darkThemeColors else lightThemeColors
) {
    Column {
        textStyle = TextStyle(color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary)

If you want to add more custom color to you theme you can use ColorPalette with extension variable like shown below

val ColorPalette.myColor: Color
    get() = if(!isLight) Color(0xFF424242) else Color.White

Now you can use MaterialTheme.colors.myColor to include.

If you want to include color from android colors xml you can do that using colorResource(id = R.color.anyName) function.

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amar_1995 Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 05:10
