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How to reference a style in a custom theme

I have a login screen that is branded differently for different builds of my application. I need the background image to be different in the layout file for this screen, so I want to point to a different style for the top level container. I'm a bit at a loss at how to do this.

I have declared a styleable something like:


    <declare-styleable name="ThemeBase">
       <attr name="loginPageContainerStyle" format="reference" />


I have several different themes for the application, as such:


    <style name="ThemeBase" parent="android:style/Theme.Light" />

    <style name="ThemeOne" parent="ThemeBase">
       <item name="loginPageContainerStyle">@style/loginPageContainerThemeOne</item>

    <style name="ThemeTwo" parent="ThemeBase">
       <item name="loginPageContainerStyle">@style/loginPageContainerThemeTwo</item>


And I have defined the following styles:

    <style name="loginPageContainerThemeOne">
        <item name="android:background">@drawable/background_theme_one</item>

    <style name="loginPageContainerThemeTwo">
        <item name="android:background">@drawable/background_theme_two</item>

And finally a login.xml file something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    style= [ ? WHAT GOES HERE ? ]

    [ LAYOUT STUFF ... ]


Am I doing anything wrong? Can this be done this way?

like image 798
Christopher Perry Avatar asked Jun 15 '12 17:06

Christopher Perry

1 Answers

Ok I figured it out, the style reference should be:


Figured I would share.

like image 179
Christopher Perry Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 13:11

Christopher Perry