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How to refer to another bean as a property in annotation-based configuration file




In XML context based bean configuration file, if I want to refer a bean as property, I would use:

<bean class="com.example.Example" id="someId">
    <property name="someProp" refer="anotherBean"/>
<bean class="com.example.AnotherBean" id="anotherBean">

So the Example bean will use the anotherBean as its property

So in the concept of annotation-based configuration java file:

class GlobalConfiguration {
    public Example createExample(){
        //here how should I refer to the bean below?

    public AnotherBean createAnotherBean(){
        return new AnotherBean();
like image 353
cinqS Avatar asked Feb 22 '17 09:02


People also ask

Which annotation in the bean class indicates that the specified bean property?

C - This annotation simply indicates that the affected bean property must be populated at configuration time, through an explicit property value in a bean definition or through autowiring.

Which annotation is used to inject property values into beans?

A lesser known nugget of information is that you can also use the @Value annotation to inject values from a property file into a bean's attributes.

Which annotation is used to specify the bean with name?

We can also use the @Qualifier annotation to name the bean.

1 Answers

Here is a first solution, where you have both bean definitions in one @Configuration class.

class GlobalConfiguration {
    public Example createExample(){
        final Example example = new Example();
        return example;

    public AnotherBean createAnotherBean(){
        return new AnotherBean();

Second possibility is to use autowiring like below:

    class GlobalConfiguration {
        public Example createExample(AnotherBean anotherBean){
            final Example example = new Example();
            return example;

        public AnotherBean createAnotherBean(){
            return new AnotherBean();

Third possibility is to split those declarations among two different @Configuration classes and use autowiring.

class FirstConfiguration {

    public AnotherBean createAnotherBean(){
        return new AnotherBean();

class SecondConfiguration {

    private AnotherBean anotherBean;

    public Example createExample(){
        final Example example = new Example();
        return example;
like image 143
bart.s Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 06:10
