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How to reduce Eclipse's memory usage?



The memory usage of Eclipse 3.4 is through the roof to the point where it's becoming an issue.

I have a simple BlackBerry project loaded and the usage skyrockets to nearly 400 MB, sometimes higher. Is there something that can be done to bring it down?

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AngryHacker Avatar asked Sep 29 '09 06:09


People also ask

How do I make Eclipse use less memory?

Close unused projects, close unused perspectives and views. This is a basic to lower memory usage. You can also configure eclipse.

2 Answers

Eclipse 3.4 can consume a lot more memory than the previous versions, courtesy the spellchecker plug-in.

You can switch off the plug-in by going to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Spelling, and unchecking the box title 'Enable spell checking'.

Of course, the tips offered to use larger heap sizes and better garbage collectors would do you good as well.

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Vineet Reynolds Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 09:10

Vineet Reynolds

Checking General -> Show heap status will enable this

Eclipse heap status bar

in the bottom bar. This way you can manually run the garbage collector whenever you want by clicking on the trash can. It's not a fix, more like a workaround, but it helped reduce massively my RAM / CPU usage.

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maaw Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 08:10
