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How to reduce css http requests?



How to reduce css http requests?

1 large css file

or one css file which importing all other css

is this same?

What is the benefit of using this

@import url('/css/typography.css');
@import url('/css/layout.css');
@import url('/css/color.css');

like image 700
Jitendra Vyas Avatar asked Oct 19 '09 09:10

Jitendra Vyas

1 Answers

1 large css file or one css file which importing all other css is this same?

No as the Client still needs to load every CSS file (with one HTTP-request each)

Some Links to learn more about reducing HTTP requests:

  • Yahoo Best Practices
  • Blog-post about the same topic

If you are using Firefox I highly recommend Firebug, which offers a view with detailed information about HTTP-Requests.
As flybywire points out in the comments: YSlow is a Firefox extension that integrates with Firebug to analyze web page performance

3 easy things I would try first:

  • Combine global CSS (the things you use on every page)
  • Compress CSS (with YUI compressor or some online tool)
  • Inline the page-specific stuff (things that are not shared among pages)

Most of those things also apply to Javascript files.

like image 190
Thomas Zoechling Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10

Thomas Zoechling