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How to reduce App Size in Xamarin Forms?

I have developed one App and build APK and IPA for Ad-Hoc testing in Xamarin Forms PCL Project.

Now, Android Size App is 76.5 MB while Iphone App Size is just 34.5 MB. Why?

What are the reason behind this major App size Difference?

Thank You.

like image 909
Srusti Thakkar Avatar asked Feb 14 '18 11:02

Srusti Thakkar

1 Answers

Use link libraries option to reduce file size

https://montemagno.com/how-to-keep-your-android-app-size-down/ https://stackoverflow.com/a/43142895/9326622

like image 58
Supun Liyanaarachchi Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 06:01

Supun Liyanaarachchi