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How to redirect users based on browser language

  1. I want to redirect users based on browser language, I figured out how to do this here, it works fine, here is the code(PHP):

    if(preg_match('/en-US/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
  2. The problem is I only want to redirect users from other websites or at the first visit to my website. Which means I don't want users reading some pages of my website, when they go back to index, they were redirect to other page. And I also have a link in my website, like: English or Chinese, when users click English from a Chinese page, they will go to index.php and been redirect back to Chinese page, it makes users can't visit the English page. How do I fix this in PHP or JavaScript?

like image 689
Zack Avatar asked Feb 28 '10 18:02


1 Answers

You can set a session variable like $_SESSION['lang'] and only apply the above code if $_SESSION['lang'] is not set. what I mean is:

  if(preg_match('/en-US/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){
    $_SESSION['lang'] = 'en';
    $_SESSION['lang'] = 'other';
like image 105
Sinan Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 06:10
