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How to redirect to a controller action from a JSONResult method in ASP.NET MVC?


I am fetching records for a user based on his UserId as a JsonResult...

public JsonResult GetClients(int currentPage, int pageSize) {    if (Session["UserId"] != "")    {       var clients = clirep.FindAllClients().AsQueryable();       var count = clients.Count();       var results = new PagedList<ClientBO>(clients, currentPage - 1, pageSize);       var genericResult = new { Count = count, Results = results };       return Json(genericResult);    }    else    {          //return RedirectToAction("Index","Home");    } } 

How to redirect to a controller action from a JsonResult method in asp.net mvc?Any suggestion...

EDIT: This doesn't seem to work...

if (Session["UserId"] != "")             {                 var clients = clirep.FindAllClients().AsQueryable();                 var count = clients.Count();                 var results = new PagedList<ClientBO>(clients, currentPage - 1, pageSize);                 var genericResult = new { Count = count, Results = results ,isRedirect=false};                 return Json(genericResult);             }             else             {                 return Json({redirectUrl = Url.Action("Index", "Home"), isRedirect = true });             } 
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ACP Avatar asked May 19 '10 11:05


2 Answers

This will depend on how you are invoking this controller action. As you are using JSON I suppose that you are calling it in AJAX. If this is the case you cannot redirect from the controller action. You will need to do this in the success callback of the AJAX script. One way to achieve it is the following:

return Json(new  {      redirectUrl = Url.Action("Index", "Home"),      isRedirect = true  }); 

And in the success callback:

success: function(json) {     if (json.isRedirect) {         window.location.href = json.redirectUrl;     } } 

Remark: Make sure to include isRedirect = false in the JSON in case you don't want to redirect which is the first case in your controller action.

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Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09

Darin Dimitrov

Adding to Darin Dimitrov's answer. For C#.NET MVC - If you want to redirect to a different page/controller and want to send an Object/Model to the new controller, You can do something like this.

In the JsonResult Method (in the controller):

 ErrorModel e = new ErrorModel();             e.ErrorTitle = "Error";             e.ErrorHeading = "Oops ! Something went wrong.";             e.ErrorMessage = "Unable to open Something";    return Json(new  {      redirectUrl = Url.Action("Index", "Home",e),      isRedirect = true  }); 

And in the success callback:

success: function(json) {     if (json.isRedirect) {         window.location.href = json.redirectUrl;     } } 

And if the new controller can accept the model/object like below.. you can pass the object to the new controller/page

    public ActionResult Index(ErrorModel e)     {         return View(e);     } 

Hope this helps.

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bluwater2001 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
