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How to redirect the content in Logcat to file on android?

Recently, I'm developing a android application. I've got a lot of Log.i or Log.e in my code.

When I test the app on my phone, which is connected to my computer via USB, I can get all the logs under the Logcat. But when my phone not connecting to my computer, I got no idea where the bug comes from because Log.* doesn't write logs to file.

Could anyone give my some suggestions on how to redirect the Log.* to a file with minimal change to my code? Thanks a lot!


I've searched about how to redirect Logcat to file using adb logcat. Could anyone tell me how to filter the logs which are corresponding to my current app?

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Judking Avatar asked Apr 11 '13 02:04


1 Answers

To save LogCat log to file programmatically on your device use for example this code:

String filePath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/logcat.txt";
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"logcat", "-f", filePath, "MyAppTAG:V", "*:S"});

"MyAppTAG:V" sets the priority level for all tags to Verbose (lowest priority)

"*:S" sets the priority level for all tags to "silent"

If you want to save all logcat just put "*:V".

More information about logcat here.

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yuralife Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 01:11
