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How to redirect docker container logs to a single file?




People also ask

How do I dump docker logs?

Redirect Docker Logs to File Since Docker merges stdout and stderr for us, we can treat the log output like any other shell stream. To redirect the current logs to a file, use a redirection operator. To send the current logs and then any updates that follow, use –follow with the redirection operator.

Where do docker logs go?

Each log file contains information about only one container and is in JSON format. Remember, one log file per container. You find these JSON log files in the /var/lib/docker/containers/ directory on a Linux Docker host.

No need to redirect logs.

Docker by default store logs to one log file. To check log file path run command:

docker inspect --format='{{.LogPath}}' containername


Open that log file and analyse.

if you redirect logs then you will only get logs before redirection. you will not be able to see live logs.


To see live logs you can run below command

tail -f `docker inspect --format='{{.LogPath}}' containername`


This log file /var/lib/docker/containers/f844a7b45ca5a9589ffaa1a5bd8dea0f4e79f0e2ff639c1d010d96afb4b53334/f844a7b45ca5a9589ffaa1a5bd8dea0f4e79f0e2ff639c1d010d96afb4b53334-json.log will be created only if docker generating logs if there is no logs then this file will not be there. it is similar like sometime if we run command docker logs containername and it returns nothing. In that scenario this file will not be available.

How about this option:

docker logs containername >& logs/myFile.log

It will not redirect logs which was asked for in the question, but copy them once to a specific file.

docker logs -f <yourContainer> &> your.log &


  • -f (i.e.--follow): writes all existing logs and follows logging everything that comes next.
  • &> redirects both the standard output and standard error.
  • Likely you want to run that method in the background, thus the &.
  • You can separate stdout and stderr by: > output.log 2> error.log (instead of using &>).

To capture both stdout & stderr from your docker container to a single log file run the following:

docker logs container > container.log 2>&1