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How to recover deleted View in BigQuery?

I have deleted a view in bigquery. I came to know there is an option to restore deleted tables based on table snapshot decorators. Is there any way to retrieve deleted bigquery views?

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MJK Avatar asked Oct 24 '17 12:10


People also ask

How do you undo a delete in BigQuery?

Undelete in BigQuery is possible via table copy and snapshot decorators. That is, you can copy a snapshot of the table from before the table was deleted. BigQuery used to have restrictions on undeletes, but over time, those have been removed.

How do I delete a view in BigQuery?

You can delete a view by: Using the Google Cloud console. Using the bq command-line tool's bq rm command.

How can I see who deleted a table in BigQuery?

The easiest way would be in the GCP console click in the "ACTIVITY" tab, filter the "Resource Type" by "Big Query" and look for the "Delete Table" entry. If you click the entry it'll expand and show info about the deletion, along with the account that performed the deletion.

1 Answers

There is a way to get it back. You need to search for insertion logs rolled at a time of creating your view. This logs can be seen from stackdriver logging. Here are the steps :

  1. Go to GCP console

  2. Click on stackdriver logging

  3. Click on arrow present in search text box and select "Convert to advance filter"
  4. Now remove everything and paste below query in it. Don't forget to put your view name in a query.

resource.type="bigquery_resource" protoPayload.methodName="tableservice.insert" protoPayload.serviceData.tableInsertRequest.resource.tableName.tableId="Your_view_name"

  1. You will get record of your view creation, Now click on Expand all and go to view section. There you can find a query used at a time of view creation.
  2. Just paste that query in bigquery and click on save view.

Alternatively, if you want to search for updates to the view to recover a specific version you can use the following filter:


I hope this helps you get back your BQ view.

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Indrajeet Patil Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11

Indrajeet Patil