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How to rebrand (and redistribute) iOS iPad application?




I have application in App Store. A client approached me asking if he can get the same application but with different name, different graphics and little other changes installed on his iPads - 150 of them. If that would be 10 iPads - i would do a custom build, add all iPads into provisioning certificate, and that would be it. But that won't work for 150 iPads. So what are my options? So far I can think about the following:

  1. Open 2 more dev accounts and add UUIDs into them - but I have a feeling that Apple won't like this.
  2. Do the required changes - and submit the app into App Store with different name
  3. Figure something out with Enterprise distribution - but I do not think it will work from legal point of view - my client wants to install the apps on his clients' iPads - so it's clearly NOT "in-house" distribution.

So far option #2 looks the most promising to me - submit as a different app to App Store. But I'm afraid that Apple will not let almost identical app to go into App Store. Especially if I submit it from the same account as the primary app. Can Apple block me for this? Any other ideas?


I will combine here my learnings with @vikingosegundo's answer.

UPDATE TO OPTION 2 - submit to app store with different name:

some links say it's possible: http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/123906/white-label-apps---is-approval-possible-apple- - and okay to do this. I did not find explicit restriction to this in app store review guidelines:

2.20 Developers "spamming" the App Store with many versions of similar apps will be removed from the iOS Developer Program

I do not believe two or three would count as many, and would count as SPAM if you clearly rebrand it. But of course it's up to Apple.

UPDATE TO OPTION #3 - going with Enterprise distribution:

that's what I decided to do at the end. I called apple support @1-800-633-2152 - and real person answered :) My biggest concern was that iPads I wanted to distribute the app do not belong to my client's business - so technically speaking it's not "in-house distribution". However they said that

enterprise is OK because the app would be used by the enterprise holder (my client), and it doesn't matter who owns the iPad

NEW OPTION #4 - Volume Purchase Program

Apple's Volume Purchase Program looks like exactly what we need actually:

The Volume Purchase Program also provides a way to get custom B2B apps built by third-party developers to meet the unique needs of your business.

at this moment YOU have to be US business to enroll into this program - but they are looking to expand it to more countries soon.

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avs099 Avatar asked Jun 26 '12 22:06


1 Answers

I guess, if a single customer owns 150 iPads, he can be seen as a organization — and the iPods would be something like "in-House" (what ever this term means). You wrote nothing about your customer, but he should check, if he can get a DUNS number, and get himself a enterprise account that you could administer to distribute the app.

If a DUNS number is available, I'd go with 3.

2.: I don't think, that apple would like rebranded apps
I had a look into the app store review guidelines. 2.20 and 2.22 might apply.

1.: remember, that the certificates on each device needs to be updated regular. might be quite a hassle for you or the user.

PS: I didn't read them yet, but Apple has this free books:

  • iOS Deployment Scenarios, PDF
  • In-house App Development Accelerator Guide, PDF

PS2: Maybe Volume purchase Program for Business is a way to go, but only available in the US right now :(

Coming Soon. The App Store Volume Purchase Program is expanding to the following countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, and United Kingdom.

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vikingosegundo Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09
