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How to rebase over already rebased branch




My git branches look like this:

 \                    \-*-further_foo_fixes_that_depend_on_x
  \                    \-*-*-further_bar_fixes_that_depend_on_x

It ended this way, because I thought my branch implement_x would be merged upstream as it is, but I was asked to squash it to a single commit, thus implement_x_rebased. However, I already started several branches for further fixing and developing that depend on my work, while waiting for the implement_x to get merged.

Now I'd like to rebase the further work on implement_x_rebased. I thought this was a no-op, since implement_x and implement_x_rebased were in the exactly same state - there would be no merge conflicts, just applying the changes between implement_x and further_foo_fixes_that_depend_on_x etc. on top of implement_x_rebased. However, it seems that git isn't that smart, and it tries to rebase all the way from the base - introducing needless merge conflicts.

I thought that the easy way out is rebase&squash the further fixes on implement_x and then stash them, and apply the stashes to implement_x_rebased, but I'm curious whether there is any proper way to make git realise that implement_x and implement_x_rebased are actually in the same state?

like image 840
GolDDranks Avatar asked Dec 12 '14 14:12


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The solution is to use git rebase --onto after rebasing the first branch. This will rebase all commits of feature2 that follow the old head of feature1 (i.e. F ) onto the new head of feature1 (i.e. F' ).

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In Git, this is called rebasing . With the rebase command, you can take all the changes that were committed on one branch and replay them on a different branch. For this example, you would check out the experiment branch, and then rebase it onto the master branch as follows: $ git checkout experiment $ git rebase master First, ...

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The following command rebase the current branch from master (or choose any other branch like develop, suppose, the name of remote is origin, which is by default): After git rebase, conflicts may occur. You should resolve them and add your changes by running git add command: git add . Do not run git commit after git add .

1 Answers

This seems to be a task for the --onto option of git rebase.

git rebase --onto implement_x_rebased implement_x further_bar_fixes_that_depend_on_x

You may want to have look at the --onto example in the git rebase manual.

like image 90
Michał Politowski Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09

Michał Politowski