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How to read / write a struct in Binary Files?


I am facing a small problem. I have a struct, which has a vector. Note that the vector is dynamic per every iteration. Now, in a particular iteration, how do I store the struct which contains a vector of size n to a binary file?

Also, when retrieving, assume that I know how the size of the vector, how to I retrieve from the binary file, the struct variable containing the vector of all the stored elements?

I am able to store something to the binary file (as I can see the size increasing when writing), but when I am trying to retrieve back the elements, I am getting size of vector to be zero.

Unfortunately, I have to achieve this using the standard STL and not use any third-party libraries.

like image 529
Shankar Raju Avatar asked Mar 31 '11 21:03

Shankar Raju

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To open a file in binary format, add 'b' to the mode parameter. Hence the "rb" mode opens the file in binary format for reading, while the "wb" mode opens the file in binary format for writing. Unlike text files, binary files are not human-readable. When opened using any text editor, the data is unrecognizable.

1 Answers

You should have a look at Boost Serialization.

If you can't use 3rd party libraries, you must know that C++ doesn't support serialization directly. This means you'll have to do it yourself.

This article shows a nice way of serializing a custom object to the disk and retrieving it back. And this tutorial shows you how to get started right now with fstream.

This is my attempt:

EDIT: since the OP asked how to store/retrieve more than record I decided to updated the original code.

So, what changed? Now there's an array student_t apprentice[3]; to store information of 3 students. The entire array is serialized to the disk and then it's all loaded back to the RAM where reading/searching for specific records is possible. Note that this is a very very small file (84 bytes). I do not suggest this approach when searching records on huge files.

#include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string.h>  using namespace std;   typedef struct student {     char name[10];     int age;     vector<int> grades; }student_t;  int main() {     student_t apprentice[3];       strcpy(apprentice[0].name, "john");     apprentice[0].age = 21;     apprentice[0].grades.push_back(1);     apprentice[0].grades.push_back(3);     apprentice[0].grades.push_back(5);          strcpy(apprentice[1].name, "jerry");     apprentice[1].age = 22;     apprentice[1].grades.push_back(2);     apprentice[1].grades.push_back(4);     apprentice[1].grades.push_back(6);      strcpy(apprentice[2].name, "jimmy");     apprentice[2].age = 23;     apprentice[2].grades.push_back(8);     apprentice[2].grades.push_back(9);     apprentice[2].grades.push_back(10);      // Serializing struct to student.data     ofstream output_file("students.data", ios::binary);     output_file.write((char*)&apprentice, sizeof(apprentice));     output_file.close();      // Reading from it     ifstream input_file("students.data", ios::binary);     student_t master[3];     input_file.read((char*)&master, sizeof(master));               for (size_t idx = 0; idx < 3; idx++)     {         // If you wanted to search for specific records,          // you should do it here! if (idx == 2) ...          cout << "Record #" << idx << endl;         cout << "Name: " << master[idx].name << endl;         cout << "Age: " << master[idx].age << endl;         cout << "Grades: " << endl;         for (size_t i = 0; i < master[idx].grades.size(); i++)            cout << master[idx].grades[i] << " ";         cout << endl << endl;     }      return 0; } 


Record #0 Name: john Age: 21 Grades:  1 3 5   Record #1 Name: jerry Age: 22 Grades:  2 4 6   Record #2 Name: jimmy Age: 23 Grades:  8 9 10 

Dump of the binary file:

$ hexdump -c students.data  0000000   j   o   h   n  \0 237   {  \0   �   �   {   � 025  \0  \0  \0 0000010   (   �   �  \b   4   �   �  \b   8   �   �  \b   j   e   r   r 0000020   y  \0   �  \0   �   �   |  \0 026  \0  \0  \0   @   �   �  \b 0000030   L   �   �  \b   P   �   �  \b   j   i   m   m   y  \0  \0  \0 0000040   �   6   �  \0 027  \0  \0  \0   X   �   �  \b   d   �   �  \b 0000050   h   �   �  \b                                                 0000054 
like image 175
karlphillip Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10
