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How to read uploaded file details in Jersey




I have implemented REST service for upload multiple files into server.But the problem was that i can not get file details if i use FormDataMultiPart in the REST service.I can get the file content.like wise i tried to get file details like following and it gave me an error saying not supported.

    public void upload(FormDataMultiPart formParams)
        Map<String, List<FormDataBodyPart>> fieldsByName = formParams.getFields();

       //Assume i am sending only files with the request

        for (List<FormDataBodyPart> fields : fieldsByName.values())
            for (FormDataBodyPart field : fields)

                InputStream is = field.getEntityAs(InputStream.class);
                String fileName = field.getName();
               //Those work perfectly

    //This gave me an error
  FormDataContentDisposition f=field.getEntityAs(FormDataContentDisposition   .class);


Please let me know how can i get files details like type,name,size for each uploaded files if use FormDataMultiPart.

like image 897
gihan-maduranga Avatar asked Jan 27 '16 12:01


1 Answers

I was able to access file details finally here is the code snippet.

    public void upload(FormDataMultiPart formParams)
        Map<String, List<FormDataBodyPart>> fieldsByName = formParams.getFields();

       //Assume i am sending only files with the request

        for (List<FormDataBodyPart> fields : fieldsByName.values())
            for (FormDataBodyPart field : fields)

                InputStream is = field.getEntityAs(InputStream.class);
                String fileName = field.getName();

   //This working fine
  FormDataContentDisposition f=field.getFormDataContentDisposition();

like image 65
gihan-maduranga Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09
