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How to read the response effective URL in Guzzle ~6.0





I've been searching for about 2 hours and I can't figure it out how to read the final response uri.

In previous versions of PHP Guzzle you just call $response->getEffectiveUrl() and you get it.

I expected to have something similar in the new version so the final code looks like this:

$response = $httpClient->post('http://service.com/login', [     'form_params' => [         'user'   => $user,         'padss'  => $pass,     ] ]);  $url = $response->getEffectiveUrl(); 

But in the latest version $response is now a GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response and there is no method which allow me to retrieve the uri.

I read about the redirects here (http://guzzle.readthedocs.org/en/latest/quickstart.html#redirects) but it says nothing about

UPDATE: The 6.1 version now allows you to easily do this:


Thanks @YauheniPrakopchyk

like image 788
joserobleda Avatar asked Jun 06 '15 11:06


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2 Answers

Guzzle 6.1 solution right from the docs.

use GuzzleHttp\Client; use GuzzleHttp\TransferStats;  $client = new Client;  $client->get('http://some.site.com', [     'query'   => ['get' => 'params'],     'on_stats' => function (TransferStats $stats) use (&$url) {         $url = $stats->getEffectiveUri();     } ])->getBody()->getContents();  echo $url; // http://some.site.com?get=params 
like image 109
Yauheni Prakopchyk Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Yauheni Prakopchyk

You can check what redirects your request had byt setting track_redirects parameter:

$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['allow_redirects' => ['track_redirects' => true]]);  $response = $client->request('GET', 'http://example.com');  var_dump($response->getHeader(\GuzzleHttp\RedirectMiddleware::HISTORY_HEADER)); 

If there were any redirects last one should be your effective url otherewise your initial url.

You can read more about allow_redirects here http://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/latest/request-options.html#allow-redirects.

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bgaluszka Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
