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How to read properties file placed outside war?

I'm working on a web application these days. That uses only jsps and servlets. It's a small application. Right now I have placed all the DataSource details in DAO utility class. I want to place these details in a properties file that can be placed outside the war, so that depending on the environment we can change these values, without effecting the war. How can I achieve this?

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user779354 Avatar asked Jun 01 '11 12:06


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Property files are a common method that we can use to store project-specific information. Ideally, we should keep it external to the packaging to be able to make changes to the configuration as and when required.

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Sometimes we have to configure property files from outside of classpath so that anyone can access this file without looking into application.

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Overview Property files are a common method that we can use to store project-specific information. Ideally, we should keep it external to the packaging to be able to make changes to the configuration as and when required.

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You should give property file location as java runtime property to your web container.. Such as, java -DmypropertyFile.location=c:/propertyfile.properties -jar yourContainer.jar Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!

1 Answers

Provide the file name using context param or java system parameter.

1.Context Param


2.System Parameter

java -Ddao.filename=D:\daofilename.props server
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Ramesh PVK Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 22:09

Ramesh PVK