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How to read a file from bottom to top in Ruby?

I've been working on a log viewer for a Rails app and have found that I need to read around 200 lines of a log file from bottom to top instead of the default top to bottom.

Log files can get quite large, so I've already tried and ruled out the IO.readlines("log_file.log")[-200..-1] method.

Are there any other ways to go about reading a file backwards in Ruby without the need for a plugin or gem?

like image 585
ericalli Avatar asked Jun 11 '10 16:06


People also ask

How do you delete a file in Ruby?

To delete a file you need to use #delete command of the File class. You can use ruby's "fileutils" module to achieve deleting folders/directories. Let us say that I have to delete a folder at C:\Users\adhithya\desktop\ called "demo" that needs to be deleted.

2 Answers

The only correct way to do this that also works on enormous files is to read n bytes at a time from the end until you have the number of lines that you want. This is essentially how Unix tail works.

An example implementation of IO#tail(n), which returns the last n lines as an Array:

class IO
  TAIL_BUF_LENGTH = 1 << 16

  def tail(n)
    return [] if n < 1


    buf = ""
    while buf.count("\n") <= n
      buf = read(TAIL_BUF_LENGTH) + buf
      seek 2 * -TAIL_BUF_LENGTH, SEEK_CUR


The implementation is a little naive, but a quick benchmark shows what a ridiculous difference this simple implementation can already make (tested with a ~25MB file generated with yes > yes.txt):

                            user     system      total        real
f.readlines[-200..-1]   7.150000   1.150000   8.300000 (  8.297671)
f.tail(200)             0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000367)

The benchmark code:

require "benchmark"

FILE = "yes.txt"

Benchmark.bmbm do |b|
  b.report "f.readlines[-200..-1]" do
    File.open(FILE) do |f|

  b.report "f.tail(200)" do
    File.open(FILE) do |f|

Of course, other implementations already exist. I haven't tried any, so I cannot tell you which is best.

like image 57
molf Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 14:10


There's a module Elif available (a port of Perl's File::ReadBackwards) which does efficient line-by-line backwards reading of files.

like image 33
hobbs Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 16:10
