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How to re-trigger validations manually in ReduxForm?



I like to re-trigger validations after the form has mounted. Let's assume I like to run the validations each time I click a button named 'validate inputs'.

How to do this?

Related questions:

  • How to run validation on a slice of a redux-form FieldArray state
  • Is there a way in Redux Forms to make a form validate from code?
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Chk Avatar asked Nov 30 '16 10:11


4 Answers

Manual redux-form validation is an oft requested feature, that does not seem to be provided at the moment.

My personal workaround is to trigger this.props.change('_validationHack', Date.now()) in the reduxForm-wrapped component and then remove values._validationHack in the onSubmit method before sending the values to the server.

It's not pretty, but seems to work without exception.

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Már Örlygsson Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 02:11

Már Örlygsson

The sync validation is run on every render, so "triggering it" doesn't really have much meaning.

If you would like to use async validation, there is a this.props.asyncValidate() function that you can call to trigger it.

OR, if you prefer submit validation, you could just submit the form.

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Erik R. Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Erik R.

According to 28/11/2018:


There are actions that you can dispatch for making changes to your form and triggering the validation method.

If you trigger change/touch actions it should execute the validate function.

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Yochai Akoka Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11

Yochai Akoka

This worked for me:

import { touch, stopAsyncValidation } from 'redux-form';
    yield put(stopAsyncValidation('CallForm', { mdn: mdn.error_message }));
    yield put(touch('CallForm', 'mdn'));
  • clue from https://stackoverflow.com/a/51065315/588759
  • clue about touch https://github.com/redux-form/redux-form/issues/3992#issuecomment-399411329
  • working example https://github.com/zobroj/ab-web/blob/ea4fccb68b4f3a2f747f47d23624bc69631782ed/app/containers/RegisterPage/sagas.js#L62
    • found with https://github.com/search?l=JavaScript&q=%22yield+put%28touch%28%22&type=Code
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rofrol Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 02:11
