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How to re-seed a table identity in SQL Server 2008 and undo it all safely?

I need to do this for testing only, but then undo it when the test is done.

I have seen some tutorials online on how to re-seed a table, but not so much on how to undo it.

Let's say the table definition is the following:

create table beer (  beer_id  numeric(10) not null,  mnemonic        nvarchar(8) ); go 

Let's say that I want the new identities to temporarily start at 12345, and at the end delete the new rows and set the next identity to what it would have been.

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Hamish Grubijan Avatar asked Aug 19 '10 21:08

Hamish Grubijan

People also ask

How do I reseed identity in SQL Server?

Here, to reset the Identity column in SQL Server you can use DBCC CHECKIDENT method. Syntax : DBCC CHECKIDENT ('table_name', RESEED, new_value); Note : If we reset the existing records in the table and insert new records, then it will show an error.

How do you change the seed value of an identity column?

To change the original seed value and reseed any existing rows, drop the identity column and recreate it specifying the new seed value. When the table contains data, the identity numbers are added to the existing rows with the specified seed and increment values.

Does truncating a table reset the identity?

Truncate command reset the identity to its seed value. It requires more transaction log space than the truncate command. It requires less transaction log space than the truncate command. You require Alter table permissions to truncate a table.

1 Answers

The command to reset the identity property is

DBCC CHECKIDENT (tablename, RESEED, new_reseed_value) 

When you want to set the column identity to 12345 you run this


When you want to delete test rows and restore the value to the previous value, you do the following.

DELETE FROM beer WHERE beer_id >= 12345 ;  DECLARE @NewSeed NUMERIC(10) SELECT @NewSeed = MAX(beer_id) FROM beer ;  DBCC CHECKIDENT (beer, RESEED, @NewSeed) 

Here is a demonstration for your scenario. Note that the beer_id column is created with the IDENTITY (1, 1) property, which seeds the identity to 1 with an increment of 1.

CREATE TABLE beer     (             beer_id NUMERIC(10) IDENTITY (1,1) NOT NULL,     mnemonic NVARCHAR(8)     );  GO  INSERT INTO beer(mnemonic) VALUES ('Beer 1') INSERT INTO beer(mnemonic) VALUES ('Beer 2')  SELECT * FROM beer ;  DBCC CHECKIDENT (beer, RESEED, 12345) GO  INSERT INTO beer(mnemonic) VALUES ('Beer 3') INSERT INTO beer(mnemonic) VALUES ('Beer 4')  SELECT * FROM beer ;  DELETE FROM beer WHERE beer_id >= 12345 ;  DECLARE @NewSeed NUMERIC(10) SELECT @NewSeed = MAX(beer_id) FROM beer ;  DBCC CHECKIDENT (beer, RESEED, @NewSeed) GO  INSERT INTO beer(mnemonic) VALUES ('Beer 5') INSERT INTO beer(mnemonic) VALUES ('Beer 6')  SELECT * FROM beer ; 
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bobs Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09
