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How To Rate-Limit An API [closed]

What is the best way to limit requests for an API? Basically, we want to limit users to 360 API requests an hour (a request every 10 seconds). What comes to mind is tracking every API request and storing:

  ip-address          hourly-requests             77             34             124 

If the ip-address requests is greater than 360, simply return a header with:

  429 - Too Many Requests 

Then rollback the counter hourly-requests every hour. This seems like an very inefficient method, since we have to make a MySQL query on every API request to increment the counter. Also, we would need a cron task to reset all counters every hour.

Is there a more elegant/efficient solution?

like image 521
Justin Avatar asked Jan 08 '12 03:01


People also ask

Should you rate limit API?

API limiting, which is also known as rate limiting, is an essential component of Internet security, as DoS attacks can tank a server with unlimited API requests. Rate limiting also helps make your API scalable. If your API blows up in popularity, there can be unexpected spikes in traffic, causing severe lag time.

1 Answers

You can try to use Redis, there are few pattern for rate limiting

like image 61
Alehandro Sanchez Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Alehandro Sanchez