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How to rapidly read data coming through a 10GbE NIC?

I have two debian boxes connected by a CX4 cable going between two 10 GbE cards. One is going to be generating data very quickly (between 4Gbits/s and 16Gbits/s), and the other needs to be able to grab all of that and store it in RAM for later parsing. I'm new to this kind of low-level coding, and would happily accept any ideas about what broad approach to use (do I need DMA? RDMA?), or tips and tricks that might apply. Thanks!

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Trev Avatar asked Dec 29 '22 02:12


1 Answers

The only nics I've heard of available for ordinary PCs that'll handle pulling a saturated 10GbE up to userspace for any kind of post processing are the ones manufactured by Napatech - you'll have to use their custom API.

And you better put such a card a pretty grown up server with the bus plumbing to support that kind of speed(I'd certainly steer away from any kind of nvidia chipsets for such a box.)

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leeeroy Avatar answered Jan 12 '23 12:01
