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How to randomize a sorted list?





Here's a strange question for you guys,

I have a nice sorted list that I wish to randomize. How would i go about doing that?

In my application, i have a function that returns a list of points that describe the outline of a discretized object. Due to the way the problem is solved, the function returns a nice ordered list. i have a second boundary described in math and want to determine if the two objects intersect each other. I simply itterate over the points and determine if any one point is inside the mathematical boundary.

The method works well but i want to increase speed by randomizing the point data. Since it is likely that that my mathematical boundary will be overlapped by a series of points that are right beside each other, i think it would make sense to check a randomized list rather than iterating over a nice sorted one (as it only takes a single hit to declare an intersection).

So, any ideas on how i would go about randomizing an ordered list?

like image 891
Faken Avatar asked Apr 22 '10 16:04


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To do a random sort in Excel, use the RAND Function and then the Sort feature to shuffle a list randomly. To the right of the column of data to be randomized, click in the first cell and type in the RAND Function.

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To use shuffle, import the Python random package by adding the line import random near the top of your program. Then, if you have a list called x, you can call random. shuffle(x) to have the random shuffle function reorder the list in a randomized way. Note that the shuffle function replaces the existing list.

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Select random rows in Excel without duplicates Only works in Excel 365 and Excel 2021 that support dynamic arrays. To select random rows with no repeats, build a formula in this way: INDEX(SORTBY(data, RANDARRAY(ROWS(data))), SEQUENCE(n), {1,2,…}) Where n is the sample size and {1,2,…} are column numbers to extract.

3 Answers

Use std::random_shuffle. If you want to implement the method yourself you should look at the Fisher-Yates shuffle.

like image 131
pmr Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 20:10


You can try the random_shuffle algorithm, but note that it won't work on list since it requires random access iterators. You can use it on a vector or deque, though.

like image 34
Fred Larson Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 20:10

Fred Larson

Assuming your "list" doesn't mean a linked list, but instead means something that supports random access (e.g., an array, std::vector, or std::deque), std::random_shuffle might be useful.

like image 1
Jerry Coffin Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 20:10

Jerry Coffin