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How to put items into priority queues?




In the Python docs,

The lowest valued entries are retrieved first (the lowest valued entry is the one returned by sorted(list(entries))[0]). A typical pattern for entries is a tuple in the form: (priority_number, data).

It appears the queue will be sorted by priority then data, which may not be always correct. Suppose data "item 2", is enqueued before "item 1", item 1 will still go first. In another docs page, heapq, it suggests the use of a counter. So I will store my data like entry = [priority, count, task]. Isn't there something like

PriorityQueue.put(item, priority) 

Then I won't need to implement the ordering myself?

like image 410
Jiew Meng Avatar asked Feb 15 '12 07:02

Jiew Meng

People also ask

How do I set priority priority queue?

1. Adding Elements: In order to add an element in a priority queue, we can use the add() method. The insertion order is not retained in the PriorityQueue. The elements are stored based on the priority order which is ascending by default.

How do I add an item to a priority queue in python?

To implement a priority queue in Python, we have to declare an empty Python list into which elements are inserted using the append() method of list class. The list is then sorted in ascending order. The While loop is used to retrieve the elements using the pop() method.

What is element () priority queue?

In computer science, a priority queue is an abstract data-type similar to a regular queue or stack data structure in which each element additionally has a priority associated with it. In a priority queue, an element with high priority is served before an element with low priority.

2 Answers

Just use the second item of the tuple as a secondary priority if a alphanumeric sort on your string data isn't appropriate. A date/time priority would give you a priority queue that falls back to a FIFIO queue when you have multiple items with the same priority. Here's some example code with just a secondary numeric priority. Using a datetime value in the second position is a pretty trivial change, but feel free to poke me in comments if you're not able to get it working.


import Queue as queue  prio_queue = queue.PriorityQueue() prio_queue.put((2, 8, 'super blah')) prio_queue.put((1, 4, 'Some thing')) prio_queue.put((1, 3, 'This thing would come after Some Thing if we sorted by this text entry')) prio_queue.put((5, 1, 'blah'))  while not prio_queue.empty():     item = prio_queue.get()     print('%s.%s - %s' % item) 


1.3 - This thing would come after Some Thing if we didn't add a secondary priority 1.4 - Some thing 2.8 - super blah 5.1 - blah 


Here's what it looks like if you use a timestamp to fake FIFO as a secondary priority using a date. I say fake because it's only approximately FIFO as entries that are added very close in time to one another may not come out exactly FIFO. I added a short sleep so this simple example works out in a reasonable way. Hopefully this helps as another example of how you might get the ordering you're after.

import Queue as queue import time  prio_queue = queue.PriorityQueue() prio_queue.put((2, time.time(), 'super blah')) time.sleep(0.1) prio_queue.put((1, time.time(), 'This thing would come after Some Thing if we sorted by this text entry')) time.sleep(0.1) prio_queue.put((1, time.time(), 'Some thing')) time.sleep(0.1) prio_queue.put((5, time.time(), 'blah'))  while not prio_queue.empty():     item = prio_queue.get()     print('%s.%s - %s' % item) 
like image 105
gfortune Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 21:09


As far as I know, what you're looking for isn't available out of the box. Anyway, note that it wouldn't be hard to implement:

from Queue import PriorityQueue  class MyPriorityQueue(PriorityQueue):     def __init__(self):         PriorityQueue.__init__(self)         self.counter = 0      def put(self, item, priority):         PriorityQueue.put(self, (priority, self.counter, item))         self.counter += 1      def get(self, *args, **kwargs):         _, _, item = PriorityQueue.get(self, *args, **kwargs)         return item   queue = MyPriorityQueue() queue.put('item2', 1) queue.put('item1', 1)  print queue.get() print queue.get() 

Example output:

item2 item1 
like image 40
jcollado Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 21:09
