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How to put header file to .tab.h in Bison?

I wrote bison code header:

#include "foo.h"

And I defined a struct named 'Foo' in header. I'd like to use it as token type in Bison.

%define api.value.type union
%token <Foo*> bar

Then I use -d option to generate bison.tab.h file.

bison -d bison.y

But there is no #include foo.h in bison.tab.h, and it use struct Foo to define the union YYSTYPE.

union YYSTPE {
    Foo* bar;

It caused error when compile this program: error: ‘Foo’ does not name a type

Is there a way to include header file in bison.tab.h or another solution of this case?

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syxbyi Avatar asked Dec 09 '17 07:12


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1 Answers

For includes that should appear in both the .c and the .h file (before the definition for the %union), you should use %code requires { ... }. %{ ... } inserts code in the .c file only.

For more information on the various %code options, you can look at the "Prologue Alternatives" chapter of the Bison docs.

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sepp2k Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
