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How to push a JSON object to a array in jsonb column in postgresql

I m new in using jsonb in postgresql.

I have a following structure 

  1. This structure is stored in jsonb column (items).I need to append {"Id":5,"Name":"Linquin"} in this array.and set it back to jsonb column items.

I need something like this.

  1. And please let me know any way to delete objects based on id....

Appreciate any help.Thanks...

like image 543
Rajesh kumar Avatar asked Mar 09 '23 04:03

Rajesh kumar

1 Answers

Use the concatenation operator || to append an element to an array:

SET j = j || '{"Id":5,"Name":"Linquin"}'::jsonb
WHERE id = 1;
like image 163
Sandip Mavani Avatar answered Apr 25 '23 15:04

Sandip Mavani