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How to provide input for a TensorFlow DNNRegressor in Java?

I managed to write a TensorFlow python program with a DNNRegressor. I have trained the model and is able to get a prediction from the model in Python by manually created input (constant tensors). I have also been able to export the model in binary format.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.framework import graph_util

# Setup

# Converting Data into Tensors
def input_fn(df, training = True):
    # Creates a dictionary mapping from each continuous feature column name (k) to
    # the values of that column stored in a constant Tensor.
    continuous_cols = {k: tf.constant(df[k].values)
                    for k in continuous_features}

    feature_cols = dict(list(continuous_cols.items()))

    if training:
        # Converts the label column into a constant Tensor.
        label = tf.constant(df[LABEL_COLUMN].values)

        # Returns the feature columns and the label.
        return feature_cols, label

    # Returns the feature columns    
    return feature_cols

def train_input_fn():
    return input_fn(train_df)

def eval_input_fn():
    return input_fn(evaluate_df)

# Data Preparation
df_train_ori = pd.read_csv('training.csv')
df_test_ori = pd.read_csv('test.csv')
train_df = df_train_ori.head(10000)
evaluate_df = df_train_ori.tail(5)
test_df = df_test_ori.head(1)
MODEL_DIR = "/tmp/model"
BIN_MODEL_DIR = "/tmp/modelBinary"
features = train_df.columns
continuous_features = [feature for feature in features if 'label' not in feature]
LABEL_COLUMN = 'label'

engineered_features = []

for continuous_feature in continuous_features:

# Define Our Model
regressor = tf.contrib.learn.DNNRegressor(
    hidden_units=[128, 256, 512], 

# Training Our Model
wrap = regressor.fit(input_fn=train_input_fn, steps=5)

# Evaluating Our Model
results = regressor.evaluate(input_fn=eval_input_fn, steps=1)
for key in sorted(results):
    print("%s: %s" % (key, results[key]))

# Save binary model (to be used in Java)
tfrecord_serving_input_fn = tf.contrib.learn.build_parsing_serving_input_fn(tf.contrib.layers.create_feature_spec_for_parsing(engineered_features)) 
    serving_input_fn = tfrecord_serving_input_fn,

My next step was to load the model into java and make some predictions. I do however have a problem with specifying the input for the model in Java.

import org.tensorflow.*;
import org.tensorflow.framework.MetaGraphDef;
import org.tensorflow.framework.SignatureDef;
import org.tensorflow.framework.TensorInfo;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class ModelEvaluator {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        System.out.println("Using TF version: " + TensorFlow.version());

        SavedModelBundle model = SavedModelBundle.load("/tmp/modelBinary/1546510038", "serve");
        Session session = model.session();


        float[][] km1 = new float[1][1];
        km1[0][0] = 10;
        Tensor inKm1 = Tensor.create(km1);

        float[][] km2 = new float[1][1];
        km2[0][0] = 10000;
        Tensor inKm2 = Tensor.create(km2);

        List<Tensor<?>> outputs = session.runner()
                .feed("dnn/input_from_feature_columns/input_from_feature_columns/km1/ToFloat", inKm1)
                .feed("dnn/input_from_feature_columns/input_from_feature_columns/km2/ToFloat", inKm2)

        System.out.println("\n\nOutputs from evaluation:");
        for (Tensor<?> output : outputs) {
            if (output.dataType() == DataType.STRING) {
                System.out.println(new String(output.bytesValue()));
            } else {
                float[] outArray = new float[1];

    public static void printAllNodes(SavedModelBundle model) {
        model.graph().operations().forEachRemaining(x -> {
            System.out.println(x.name() + "   " + x.numOutputs());

     * This info can also be obtained from a command prompt via the command:
     * saved_model_cli show  --dir <dir-to-the-model> --tag_set serve --signature_def serving_default
     * <p>
     * See this where they also try to input data to a DNN regressor:
     * https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/12367
     * <p>
     * https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/14683
     * <p>
     * https://github.com/migueldeicaza/TensorFlowSharp/issues/293
    public static void printSignature(SavedModelBundle model) throws Exception {
        MetaGraphDef m = MetaGraphDef.parseFrom(model.metaGraphDef());
        SignatureDef sig = m.getSignatureDefOrThrow("serving_default");
        int numInputs = sig.getInputsCount();
        int i = 1;
        System.out.println("MODEL SIGNATURE");
        for (Map.Entry<String, TensorInfo> entry : sig.getInputsMap().entrySet()) {
            TensorInfo t = entry.getValue();
                    "%d of %d: %-20s (Node name in graph: %-20s, type: %s)\n",
                    i++, numInputs, entry.getKey(), t.getName(), t.getDtype());
        int numOutputs = sig.getOutputsCount();
        i = 1;
        for (Map.Entry<String, TensorInfo> entry : sig.getOutputsMap().entrySet()) {
            TensorInfo t = entry.getValue();
                    "%d of %d: %-20s (Node name in graph: %-20s, type: %s)\n",
                    i++, numOutputs, entry.getKey(), t.getName(), t.getDtype());

As can be seen from the java code I provide input for two nodes (named something with "km1" and "km2"). But I guess that is not the correct way to do it. Guess I need to provide input for the node "input_example_tensor:0"?

So question is: How do I actually create an input for the model that is loaded into java? In python I had to create a dictionary with keys "km1" and "km2", and values two constant tensors.

like image 564
Pelle Stenild Coltau Avatar asked Jan 08 '19 12:01

Pelle Stenild Coltau

People also ask

Can I use TensorFlow with Java?

TensorFlow Java can run on any JVM for building, training and deploying machine learning models. It supports both CPU and GPU execution, in graph or eager mode, and presents a rich API for using TensorFlow in a JVM environment.

How do you initialize a parameter in TensorFlow?

To initialize a new variable from the value of another variable use the other variable's initialized_value() property. You can use the initialized value directly as the initial value for the new variable, or you can use it as any other tensor to compute a value for the new variable.

What is an input tensor?

A tensor is a vector or matrix of n-dimensions that represents all types of data. All values in a tensor hold identical data type with a known (or partially known) shape. The shape of the data is the dimensionality of the matrix or array. A tensor can be originated from the input data or the result of a computation.

What is input tensor size?

Got 1 x 3 x 224 x 224.

1 Answers

On Python, Try

feature_spec = tf.feature_column.make_parse_example_spec(columns)
example_input_fn = tf.estimator.export.build_parsing_serving_input_receiver_fn(feature_spec)

Please look into build_parsing_serving_input_receiver_fn, and an input named input_example_tensor that expects a serialized tf.Example.

On Java, Try create An Example input(packaged in the org.tensorflow:proto artifact), and some codes like this:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Example example = buildExample(yourFeatureNameAndValueMap);
    byte[][] exampleBytes = {example.toByteArray()};
    try (Tensor<String> inputBatch = Tensors.create(exampleBytes);
         Tensor<Float> output =
                         .feed(yourInputsName, inputBatch)
                         .expect(Float.class)) {
        long[] shape = output.shape();
        int batchSize = (int) shape[0];
        int labelNum = (int) shape[1];
        float[][] resultValues = output.copyTo(new float[batchSize][labelNum]);

public static Example buildExample(Map<String, ?> yourFeatureNameAndValueMap) {
    Features.Builder builder = Features.newBuilder();
    for (String attr : yourFeatureNameAndValueMap.keySet()) {
        Object value = yourFeatureNameAndValueMap.get(attr);
        if (value instanceof Float) {
            builder.putFeature(attr, feature((Float) value));
        } else if (value instanceof float[]) {
            builder.putFeature(attr, feature((float[]) value));
        } else if (value instanceof String) {
            builder.putFeature(attr, feature((String) value));
        } else if (value instanceof String[]) {
            builder.putFeature(attr, feature((String[]) value));
        } else if (value instanceof Long) {
            builder.putFeature(attr, feature((Long) value));
        } else if (value instanceof long[]) {
            builder.putFeature(attr, feature((long[]) value));
        } else {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported attribute value data type!");
    Features features = builder.build();
    Example example = Example.newBuilder()
    return example;

private static Feature feature(String... strings) {
    BytesList.Builder b = BytesList.newBuilder();
    for (String s : strings) {
    return Feature.newBuilder().setBytesList(b).build();

private static Feature feature(float... values) {
    FloatList.Builder b = FloatList.newBuilder();
    for (float v : values) {
    return Feature.newBuilder().setFloatList(b).build();

private static Feature feature(long... values) {
    Int64List.Builder b = Int64List.newBuilder();
    for (long v : values) {
    return Feature.newBuilder().setInt64List(b).build();

If you want auto get yourInputsName and yourOutputsName, you can try

SignatureDef signatureDef;
try {
    signatureDef = MetaGraphDef.parseFrom(model.metaGraphDef()).getSignatureDefOrThrow(SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY);
} catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
String yourInputsName = signatureDef.getInputsOrThrow(SIGNATURE_DEF_INPUT_KEY).getName();
String yourOutputsName = signatureDef.getOutputsOrThrow(SIGNATURE_DEF_OUTPUT_KEY).getName();

On java, please refer to DetectObjects.java. On Python, please refer to wide_deep

like image 66
lasclocker Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 15:10
