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How to provide different Android app icons for different gradle buildTypes?




People also ask

How do I make Android app icons different?

Press and hold the app icon until a popup appears. Select “Edit”. The following popup window shows you the app icon as well as the application's name (which you can also change here). To choose a different icon, tap on the app icon.

How do I add Flavours to my Android?

Now you have three different flavors of the same application to change the build variant, Android Studio uses select Build > select Build Variant in the menu bar (or click Build Variants within the windows bar), then select a build variant from the menu.

Figured it out. What you need to do is create a separate src folder called debug that holds the different icons. For example, if your project layout is as follows, and your launcher icon is called ic_launcher.png:

[Project Root]

Then to add a separate icon for the debug build type, you add:

[Project Root]

Then, when you build under the debug build type, it will use the ic_launcher found in the debug folder.

This is a handy approach although it has an important downside... both launchers will be put into your apk. – Bartek Lipinski

The better way: InsanityOnABun's answer








android {

            versionName "$defaultConfig.versionName" + ".test"
            resValue "string", "app_name", "App-Test"
            manifestPlaceholders = [
                    appIcon: "@mipmap/ic_launcher_test",
                    appIconRound: "@mipmap/ic_launcher_test_round"

            resValue "string", "app_name", "App"
            manifestPlaceholders = [
                    appIcon: "@mipmap/ic_launcher",
                    appIconRound: "@mipmap/ic_launcher_round"

the Github url:Build multi-version App with Gradle

You can specify the icon in the product flavor's partial AndroidManifest.xml file as well:

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
        android:icon="@drawable/alternative_icon" />

This will overwrite the icon that you specify in the original AndroidManifest.xml

For getting different icons while using different flavors with multiple dimensions, such as:

flavorDimensions "color", "size"
productFlavors {
    black {
        dimension "color"
    white {
        dimension "color"

    big {
        dimension "size"
    small {
        dimension "size"

This can be achieved as:

First, put the debug resources in separate folders, such as:


Second, put the key with multiple flavor dimensions is that the sourceset name must contain all the possible flavor combinations, even if some of these dimensions do not affect the icon.

sourceSets {
    // Override the icons in debug mode
    blackBigDebug.res.srcDir 'src/blackDebug/res'
    blackSmallDebug.res.srcDir 'src/blackDebug/res'
    whiteBigDebug.res.srcDir 'src/whiteDebug/res'
    whiteSamllDebug.res.srcDir 'src/whiteDebug/res'

Just to make it clear, the following will not work when multiple dimensions are in use:

sourceSets {
    // Override the icons in debug mode
    blackDebug.res.srcDir 'src/blackDebug/res'
    whiteDebug.res.srcDir 'src/whiteDebug/res'