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How to provide custom comparator for `std::multiset` without overloading `operator()`, `std::less`, `std::greater`?

I want a custom comparator for the following code. However, I am not allowed to overload operator(), std::less, std::greater.

I tried to achieve this using lambda but gcc won't allow me to use auto as a non-static member. Any other way to make this work?

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <set>

class Test 
    // bool operator () (const int lhs, const int rhs) { // not allowed
    //     return lhs > rhs;
    // };    
    using list = std::multiset<int  /*, Test*/>;
    std::map<const char*, list> scripts;

int main() 
    Test t;

    for (auto a : t.scripts["Linux"]) {
        std::cout << a << std::endl;

    std::cout << "end";

Edit: With lambdas

class Test 
    auto compare = [] (const int a, const int b) { return a < b;}
    using list = std::multiset<int, compare>;    //here
    std::map<const char*, list> scripts;


'auto' not allowed in non-static class member
 auto compare = [] (const int a, const int b) { return a < b;}
like image 852
Sumit Dhingra Avatar asked Dec 18 '22 17:12

Sumit Dhingra

1 Answers

I want a custom comparator for the following code. However, I cannot overload operator(), std::less, std::greater.

I assume that you are not allowed to overload operator() of the Test class, but could be that of other class. If so, create a internal private functor which overloads operator() and that could be part of the alias using list = std::multiset<int, Compare>;

class Test
    struct Compare
        bool operator()(const int lhs, const int rhs) const /* noexcept */ { return lhs > rhs; }

    using list = std::multiset<int, Compare>;
    std::map<std::string, list> scripts;

I tried to achieve these using lambdas but gcc won't allow me to use auto as a non-static member. Any other way to make this work?

Update: After researching a while, I found a way to go which does work with a lambda function.

The idea is to use the decltype of std::multiset with custom lambda compare as the key of the std::map scripts. In addition to that, provide a wrapper method for inserting the entries to the CustomMultiList.

Complete example code: (See live)

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <set>

// provide a lambda compare
const auto compare = [](int lhs, int rhs) noexcept { return lhs > rhs; };

class Test
    // make a std::multi set with custom compare function  
    std::multiset<int, decltype(compare)> dummy{ compare };
    using CustomMultiList = decltype(dummy); // use the type for values of the map 
    std::map<std::string, CustomMultiList> scripts{};
    // warper method to insert the `std::multilist` entries to the corresponding keys
    void emplace(const std::string& key, const int listEntry)
        scripts.try_emplace(key, compare).first->second.emplace(listEntry);
    // getter function for custom `std::multilist`
    const CustomMultiList& getValueOf(const std::string& key) const noexcept
        static CustomMultiList defaultEmptyList{ compare };
        const auto iter = scripts.find(key);
        return iter != scripts.cend() ? iter->second : defaultEmptyList;

int main()
    Test t{};
    // 1: insert using using wrapper emplace method
    t.emplace(std::string{ "Linux" }, 5);
    t.emplace(std::string{ "Linux" }, 8);
    t.emplace(std::string{ "Linux" }, 0);

    for (const auto a : t.getValueOf(std::string{ "Linux" }))
        std::cout << a << '\n';
    // 2: insert the `CustomMultiList` directly using `std::map::emplace`
    std::multiset<int, decltype(compare)> valueSet{ compare };
    t.scripts.emplace(std::string{ "key2" }, valueSet);

    // 3: since C++20 : use with std::map::operator[]

    return 0;

Until c++20 lambda are not default constructable and copyable. But, the std::map::operator[] does requered the mapped_type to be copy constructible and default constructible. Hence the insertion to the value of the scripts map(i.e. to std::multiset<int, decltype(/*lambda compare*/)>) using subscription operator of std::map is only possible from from C++20.

like image 108
JeJo Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 00:12
