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How to provide a SAS token to Azure CLI within PowerShell

I'm using the Azure CLI 2.0 from PowerShell to manage a storage account. I have a SAS token (which I am storing in a variable) and I want to use it in a command. Here's the script I'm running:

$sasToken = 'st=2017-11-13T10%3A55%3A06Z&se=2017-11-13T11%3A27%3A06Z&sp=w&spr=https&sv=2017-04-17&sr=c&sig=%2BA6LDTwHes6JdxEAHXSvbYc70y30OcznjMVSyFbCXog%3D'

az storage blob upload `
    --account-name mystorageaccount `
    --container-name mycontainer `
    --file c:\temp\file.txt `
    --name file.txt `
    --sas-token $sasToken

When I run this, I get this error:

The specified resource does not exist.
'se' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'sp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'spr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'sv' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'sr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'sig' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

It appears to me that PowerShell is truncating the SAS token every time it sees an ampersand, and the Azure CLI isn't getting this as all part of the same string.

Is there a way to force PowerShell to call the Azure CLI with the SAS token exactly as-is?

like image 848
John Avatar asked Jan 30 '23 05:01


2 Answers

Try wrapping the SAS token in a 2nd set of quotes:

$sasToken = '"st=2017-11-13T10%3A55%3A06Z&se=2017-11-13T11%3A27%3A06Z&sp=w&spr=https&sv=2017-04-17&sr=c&sig=%2BA6LDTwHes6JdxEAHXSvbYc70y30OcznjMVSyFbCXog%3D"'

so that the CLI command looks like this:

--sas-token "st=2017-11-13T10%3A55%3A06Z&se=2017-11-13T11%3A27%3A06Z&sp=w&spr=https&sv=2017-04-17&sr=c&sig=%2BA6LDTwHes6JdxEAHXSvbYc70y30OcznjMVSyFbCXog%3D"

like image 102
Jon Tirjan Avatar answered Feb 14 '23 01:02

Jon Tirjan

I get the problem this morning and solved the problem like that when SAS Uri is stored in a variable:

$sasUri = "`"$pkgSasUri`"" 
az deployment group create `
  --resource-group $rg `
  --name create_deployment_cses `
  --template-file .\template.json `
  --parameters .\parameters.json configurationSasUri=$confSasUri packageSasUri=$pkgSasUri

based on Microsoft devblogs

like image 24
Elca Avatar answered Feb 14 '23 02:02
