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How to properly use mock in python with unittest setUp

In my attempt to learn TDD, trying to learn unit testing and using mock with python. Slowly getting the hang of it, but unsure if I'm doing this correctly. Forewarned: I'm stucking using python 2.4 because the vendor API's come as pre-compiled 2.4 pyc files, so I'm using mock 0.8.0 and unittest ( not unittest2 )

Given this example code in 'mymodule.py'

import ldap  class MyCustomException(Exception):     pass  class MyClass:     def __init__(self, server, user, passwd):         self.ldap = ldap.initialize(server)         self.user = user         self.passwd = passwd      def connect(self):         try:             self.ldap.simple_bind_s(self.user, self.passwd)         except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS:             # do some stuff             raise MyCustomException 

Now in my test case file 'test_myclass.py', I want to mock the ldap object out. ldap.initialize returns the ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject, so I figured that'd be the method I'd have to mock out.

import unittest from ldap import INVALID_CREDENTIALS from mock import patch, MagicMock from mymodule import MyClass  class LDAPConnTests(unittest.TestCase):     @patch('ldap.initialize')     def setUp(self, mock_obj):         self.ldapserver = MyClass('myserver','myuser','mypass')         self.mocked_inst = mock_obj.return_value      def testRaisesMyCustomException(self):         self.mocked_inst.simple_bind_s = MagicMock()         # set our side effect to the ldap exception to raise         self.mocked_inst.simple_bind_s.side_effect = INVALID_CREDENTIALS         self.assertRaises(mymodule.MyCustomException, self.ldapserver.connect)      def testMyNextTestCase(self):         # blah blah 

Leads me to a couple of questions:

  1. Does that look right? :)
  2. Is that the proper way to try and mock an object that gets instantiated within the class I'm testing?
  3. Is it ok to be calling the @patch decorator on setUp or is this going to cause weird side effects?
  4. Is there anyway to get mock to raise the ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS exception without having to import the exception into my testcase file?
  5. Should I be using patch.object() instead and if so, how?


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sjmh Avatar asked Apr 04 '13 20:04


People also ask

How do you use mock exception in Python?

Just assign the exception to side_effect instead: mockedObj. raiseError. side_effect = Exception("Test") . You don't have to no: and his edit has a third way of doing it where he is making a Mock with the side effect set, but its still a valid, and good thing to know how to do in testing.

Can you use Unittest mock with Pytest?


2 Answers

You can use patch() as a class decorator, not just as a function decorator. You can then pass in the mocked function as before:

@patch('mymodule.SomeClass') class MyTest(TestCase):      def test_one(self, MockSomeClass):         self.assertIs(mymodule.SomeClass, MockSomeClass) 

See: Applying the same patch to every test method (which also lists alternatives)

It makes more sense to set up the patcher this way on setUp if you want the patching to be done for all the test methods.

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jooks Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10


I'll start by answering your questions, and then I'll give a detailed example of how patch() and setUp() interact.

  1. I don't think it looks right, see my answer to question #3 in this list for details.
  2. Yes, the actual call to patch looks like it should mock the object you want.
  3. No, you almost never want to use the @patch() decorator on setUp(). You got lucky, because the object is created in setUp() and never gets created during the test method.
  4. I don't know of any way to make a mock object raise an exception without importing that exception into your test case file.
  5. I don't see any need for patch.object() here. It just lets you patch attributes of an object instead of specifying the target as a string.

To expand on my answer to question #3, the problem is that the patch() decorator only applies while the decorated function is running. As soon as setUp() returns, the patch is removed. In your case, that works, but I bet it would confuse someone looking at this test. If you really only want the patch to happen during setUp(), I would suggest using the with statement to make it obvious that the patch is going to be removed.

The following example has two test cases. TestPatchAsDecorator shows that decorating the class will apply the patch during the test method, but not during setUp(). TestPatchInSetUp shows how you can apply the patch so that it's in place during both setUp() and the test method. Calling self.addCleanUp() makes sure that the patch will be removed during tearDown().

import unittest from mock import patch   @patch('__builtin__.sum', return_value=99) class TestPatchAsDecorator(unittest.TestCase):     def setUp(self):         s = sum([1, 2, 3])          self.assertEqual(6, s)      def test_sum(self, mock_sum):         s1 = sum([1, 2, 3])         mock_sum.return_value = 42         s2 = sum([1, 2, 3])          self.assertEqual(99, s1)         self.assertEqual(42, s2)   class TestPatchInSetUp(unittest.TestCase):     def setUp(self):         patcher = patch('__builtin__.sum', return_value=99)         self.mock_sum = patcher.start()         self.addCleanup(patcher.stop)          s = sum([1, 2, 3])          self.assertEqual(99, s)      def test_sum(self):         s1 = sum([1, 2, 3])         self.mock_sum.return_value = 42         s2 = sum([1, 2, 3])          self.assertEqual(99, s1)         self.assertEqual(42, s2) 
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Don Kirkby Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10

Don Kirkby