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How to properly use "C++ Core Guidelines: C.146: Use dynamic_cast where class hierarchy navigation is unavoidable"


The C++ Core Guidelines recommends using dynamic_cast when "class hierarchy navigation is unavoidable." This triggers clang-tidy to throw the following error: Do not use static_cast to downcast from a base to a derived class; use dynamic_cast instead [cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-static-cast-downcast].

The guidelines go on to say:


Like other casts, dynamic_cast is overused. Prefer virtual functions to casting. Prefer static polymorphism to hierarchy navigation where it is possible (no run-time resolution necessary) and reasonably convenient.

I have always just used an enum named Kind nested in my base class, and performed a static_cast based on its kind. Reading C++ Core Guidelines, "...Even so, in our experience such "I know what I'm doing" situations are still a known bug source." suggests that I should not be doing this. Often, I don't have any virtual functions so RTTI is not present to use dynamic_cast (e.g. I will get error: 'Base_discr' is not polymorphic). I can always add a virtual function, but that sounds silly. The guideline also says to benchmark before considering using the discriminant approach that I use with Kind.


enum class Kind : unsigned char {

class Base_virt {
    Base_virt(Kind p_kind) noexcept : m_kind{p_kind}, m_x{} {}

    [[nodiscard]] inline Kind
    get_kind() const noexcept {
        return m_kind;

    [[nodiscard]] inline int
    get_x() const noexcept {
        return m_x;

    [[nodiscard]] virtual inline int get_y() const noexcept = 0;

    Kind const m_kind;
    int m_x;

class A_virt final : public Base_virt {
    A_virt() noexcept : Base_virt{Kind::A}, m_y{} {}

    [[nodiscard]] inline int
    get_y() const noexcept final {
        return m_y;

    int m_y;

class B_virt : public Base_virt {
    B_virt() noexcept : Base_virt{Kind::B}, m_y{} {}

    int m_y;

static void
virt_static_cast(benchmark::State& p_state) noexcept {
    auto const a = A_virt();
    Base_virt const* ptr = &a;

    for (auto _ : p_state) {
        benchmark::DoNotOptimize(static_cast<A_virt const*>(ptr)->get_y());

static void
virt_static_cast_check(benchmark::State& p_state) noexcept {
    auto const a = A_virt();
    Base_virt const* ptr = &a;

    for (auto _ : p_state) {
    if (ptr->get_kind() == Kind::A) {
        benchmark::DoNotOptimize(static_cast<A_virt const*>(ptr)->get_y());
        } else {
            int temp = 0;

static void
virt_dynamic_cast_ref(benchmark::State& p_state) {
    auto const a = A_virt();
    Base_virt const& reff = a;

    for (auto _ : p_state) {
        benchmark::DoNotOptimize(dynamic_cast<A_virt const&>(reff).get_y());

static void
virt_dynamic_cast_ptr(benchmark::State& p_state) noexcept {
    auto const a = A_virt();
    Base_virt const& reff = a;

    for (auto _ : p_state) {
        benchmark::DoNotOptimize(dynamic_cast<A_virt const*>(&reff)->get_y());

static void
virt_dynamic_cast_ptr_check(benchmark::State& p_state) noexcept {
    auto const a = A_virt();
    Base_virt const& reff = a;

    for (auto _ : p_state) {
        if (auto ptr = dynamic_cast<A_virt const*>(&reff)) {
        } else {
            int temp = 0;

class Base_discr {
    Base_discr(Kind p_kind) noexcept : m_kind{p_kind}, m_x{} {}

    [[nodiscard]] inline Kind
    get_kind() const noexcept {
        return m_kind;

    [[nodiscard]] inline int
    get_x() const noexcept {
        return m_x;

    Kind const m_kind;
    int m_x;

class A_discr final : public Base_discr {
    A_discr() noexcept : Base_discr{Kind::A}, m_y{} {}

    [[nodiscard]] inline int
    get_y() const noexcept {
        return m_y;

    int m_y;

class B_discr : public Base_discr {
    B_discr() noexcept : Base_discr{Kind::B}, m_y{} {}

    int m_y;

static void
discr_static_cast(benchmark::State& p_state) noexcept {
    auto const a = A_discr();
    Base_discr const* ptr = &a;

    for (auto _ : p_state) {
        benchmark::DoNotOptimize(static_cast<A_discr const*>(ptr)->get_y());

static void
discr_static_cast_check(benchmark::State& p_state) noexcept {
    auto const a = A_discr();
    Base_discr const* ptr = &a;

    for (auto _ : p_state) {
        if (ptr->get_kind() == Kind::A) {
            benchmark::DoNotOptimize(static_cast<A_discr const*>(ptr)->get_y());
        } else {
            int temp = 0;

I am new to benchmarking, so I don't really know what I am doing. I took care to make sure that virtual and discriminant versions have the same memory layout and tried my best to prevent optimizations. I went with optimization level O1 since anything higher didn't seem representative. discr stands for discriminated or tagged. virt stands for virtual Here are my results:

Benchmark Results


So, my questions are: How should I cast from a base to a derived type when (1) I know the derived type because I checked it before entering the function and (2) when I do not know the derived type yet. Additionally, (3) Should I even be worried about this guideline, or should I disable the warning? Performance matters here, but sometimes it does not. What should I be using?


Using dynamic_cast seems to be the correct answer for downcasting. However, you still need to know what you are downcasting to and have a virtual function. In many cases, you do not know without a discriminate such as kind or tag what the derived class is. (4) In the case where I already have to check what the kind of object I am looking at, should I still be using dynamic_cast? Is this not checking the same thing twice? (5) Is there a reasonable way to do this without a tag?


Consider the class hierarchy:

class Expr {
    enum class Kind : unsigned char {

    [[nodiscard]] Kind
    get_kind() const noexcept {
        return m_kind;

    [[nodiscard]] bool
    is_unary() const noexcept {
        switch(get_kind()) {
            case Kind::Int_lit_expr:
            case Kind::Neg_expr:
                return true;
                return false;

    [[nodiscard]] bool
    is_binary() const noexcept {
        switch(get_kind()) {
            case Kind::Add_expr:
            case Kind::Sub_expr:
                return true;
                return false;

    explicit Expr(Kind p_kind) noexcept : m_kind{p_kind} {}

    Kind const m_kind;

class Unary_expr : public Expr {
    [[nodiscard]] Expr const*
    get_expr() const noexcept {
        return m_expr;

    Unary_expr(Kind p_kind, Expr const* p_expr) noexcept :
        m_expr{p_expr} {}

    Expr const* const m_expr;

class Binary_expr : public Expr {
    [[nodiscard]] Expr const*
    get_lhs() const noexcept {
        return m_lhs;

    [[nodiscard]] Expr const*
    get_rhs() const noexcept {
        return m_rhs;

    Binary_expr(Kind p_kind, Expr const* p_lhs, Expr const* p_rhs) noexcept :
        m_rhs{p_rhs} {}

    Expr const* const m_lhs;
    Expr const* const m_rhs;

class Add_expr : public Binary_expr {
    Add_expr(Expr const* p_lhs, Expr const* p_rhs) noexcept : 
        Binary_expr{Kind::Add_expr, p_lhs, p_rhs} {}

Now in main():

int main() {
    auto const add = Add_expr{nullptr, nullptr};
    Expr const* const expr_ptr = &add;

    if (expr_ptr->is_unary()) {
        auto const* const expr = static_cast<Unary_expr const* const>(expr_ptr)->get_expr();
    } else if (expr_ptr->is_binary()) {
        // Here I use a static down cast after checking it is valid
        auto const* const lhs = static_cast<Binary_expr const* const>(expr_ptr)->get_lhs();
        // error: cannot 'dynamic_cast' 'expr_ptr' (of type 'const class Expr* const') to type 'const class Binary_expr* const' (source type is not polymorphic)
        // auto const* const rhs = dynamic_cast<Binary_expr const* const>(expr_ptr)->get_lhs();
<source>:99:34: warning: do not use static_cast to downcast from a base to a derived class [cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-static-cast-downcast]

        auto const* const expr = static_cast<Unary_expr const* const>(expr_ptr)->get_expr();


Not always will I need to cast to an Add_expr. For example, I could have a function that prints out any Binary_expr. It only need to cast it to Binary_expr to get the lhs and rhs. To get the symbol of the operator (e.g. '-' or '+' ...) it can switch on the kind. I don't see how dynamic_cast will help me here and I also have no virtual functions to use dynamic_cast on.


I have posted an answer making get_kind() virtual, this seems to be a good solution in general. However, I am now carrying around 8 bytes for a vtbl_ptr instead of a byte for a tag. Object instantiated from classes derived from Expr will far exceed any other object types. (6) Is this a good time to skip the vtbl_ptr or should I prefer the safety of dynamic_cast?

like image 370
user1032677 Avatar asked Aug 21 '20 09:08


1 Answers

You might be interested in the Curious Recursing Template Pattern here to avoid the need for virtual method at all if you know the type of the instance at compile time

template <typename Impl> 
class Base_virt {
    Base_virt(Kind p_kind) noexcept : m_kind{p_kind}, m_x{} {}

    [[nodiscard]] inline Kind
    get_kind() const noexcept { return Impl::kind(); }

    [[nodiscard]] inline int
    get_x() const noexcept {
        return m_x;

    [[nodiscard]] inline int get_y() const noexcept { 
        return static_cast<const Impl*>(this)->get_y(); 

    int m_x;

class A_virt final : public Base_virt<A_virt> {
    A_virt() noexcept : Base_virt{Kind::A}, m_y{} {}

    [[nodiscard]] inline static Kind kind() { return Kind::A; }

    [[nodiscard]] inline int
    get_y() const noexcept final {
        return m_y;

    int m_y;

// Copy/paste/rename for B_virt

In that case, there is no need for dynamic_cast at all since everything is known at compile time. You are loosing the possibility to store a pointer to Base_virt (unless you create a BaseTag base class that Base_virt derives from) The code to call such method must then be template:

template <typename Impl>
static void
crtp_cast_check(benchmark::State& p_state) noexcept {
    auto const a = A_virt();
    Base_virt<Impl> const* ptr = &a;

    for (auto _ : p_state) {

This is likely be compiled to a strait call to for(auto _ : p_state) b::dno(m_y). The incovenient of this approach is the inflated binary space (you'll have as many instance of the function as there are child types), but it'll be the fastest since the compiler will deduce the type at compile time.

With a BaseTag approach, it'll look like:

   class BaseTag { virtual Kind get_kind() const = 0; }; 
   // No virtual destructor here, since you aren't supposed to manipulate instance via this type

   template <typename Impl>
   class Base_virt : BaseTag { ... same as previous definition ... };

   // Benchmark method become
   void virt_bench(BaseTag & base) {
     // This is the only penalty with a virtual method:
     switch(base.get_kind()) {

       case Kind::A : static_cast<A_virt&>(base).get_y(); break;
       case Kind::B : static_cast<B_virt&>(base).get_y(); break;
       default: assert(false); break; // At least you'll get a runtime error if you forget to update this table for new Kind
     // In that case, there is 0 advantage not to make get_y() virtual, but
     // if you have plenty of "pseudo-virtual" method, it'll become more 
     // interesting to consult the virtual table only once for get_kind 
     // instead of for each method

   template <typename Class>
   void static_bench(Class & inst) {
     // Lame code:

   A_virt a;
   B_virt b;


   // vs

Sorry for pseudo code above, but you'll get the idea.

Notice that mixing dynamic inheritance and static inheritance like the above makes code maintenance a burden (if you add a new type, you'll need to fix all your switch table), so it must be reserved for very small performance sensitive parts of your code.

like image 140
xryl669 Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 17:10
