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How to properly document a React/Redux application?

I'm currently documenting a React/Redux application written in ES6 and I cannot find any useful information what's the most properly way to document a React application.

In this post, the tool react-docgen is presented, and I have stumble upon esdoc as well. Whereas esdoc does automatic generation of documentation, react-docgen extracts the information of the React components and puts it into a JSON file.

As my application is not only React, but also Redux, I cannot find the best way to document the application. Generally speaking, I don't think that I should mix both of them and I think esdoc suits me better, but I'm not fully convinced what should I be documenting with esdoc as of lifecycle hooks, proptypes, own methods, etc..

Has anyone stumbled upon this problem and can tell me what's a proper way of documenting such an application?

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juanecabellob Avatar asked May 30 '17 13:05


1 Answers

Some tools for documenting your ES6 application:


Documentationjs is a new documentation generator. It supports ES6 and allows you to write your doc comments in standard JSDoc format.


ESDoc supports JSDoc syntax, parses most of ES6 and outputs nice and it integrates Mocha.


JSDoc supports ES6 partially.

like image 74
GibboK Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
