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How to programatically add mentions using draft-js-mention-plugin?

The problem:

I'm trying to create an edit interface for contents created with draft-js + draft-js-mention-plugin. However, editorState wasn't persisted, only plain text. Mentions were saved as an array of objects. Now I need to recreate the editorState with that data.


I have a plain text like this:

const content = '@marcello we need to add spell check'

And a mentions array with objects like this:

const mentions = [{
  length: 8,
  offset: 0,
  user: 'user:59441f5c37b1e209c300547d',

To create the editorState with the plain text I'm using these lines:

const contentState = ContentState.createFromText(content)

That works well. The plain text is set as initial state, but without mentions.

Now I need a way to add mentions based on mentions objects.

I'm trying to read the library code to figure it out, but without success so far.

like image 692
Diego Haz Avatar asked Mar 08 '23 14:03

Diego Haz

1 Answers

With "draft-js": "^0.11.6" and "draft-js-mention-plugin": "^3.1.5" you can do

const stateWithEntity = editorState.getCurrentContent().createEntity(
    mention: {id: 'foobar', name: 'foobar', link: 'https://www.facebook.com/foobar'},
const entityKey = stateWithEntity.getLastCreatedEntityKey()
const stateWithText = Modifier.insertText(stateWithEntity, editorState.getSelection(), 'foobar', null, entityKey)
EditorState.push(editorState, stateWithText)

You may find this https://github.com/draft-js-plugins/draft-js-plugins/issues/915#issuecomment-386579249 and https://github.com/draft-js-plugins/draft-js-plugins/issues/983#issuecomment-382150332 helpful

like image 136
mcjlnrtwcz Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 23:04
