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How to program an Operating System? [closed]

I love to code, but I am currently only doing web development. I'd like to do something that will be unique and fun and very different from web programming.

Yeah, this might be a dumb question, but I think it would be really cool to build a really simple Operating System. So please do not say anything rude. I just want to know the following things:

*Where to start? *Resources *What language would I use?

I was thinking something simple like a cmd based

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Kevin Avatar asked Dec 21 '10 18:12


People also ask

How do you program an operating system?

C is the programming language most commonly used and recommended for writing operating systems. For this reason, we are going to recommend learning and using C for OS development. However, other languages such as C++ and Python can also be used.

What is closed operating system?

Closed-source operating systems use code that is proprietary and kept secret to prevent its use by other entities. Traditionally, they are sold for a profit. Open-source operating systems use code that is freely-distributed and available to anyone to use, even for commercial purposes.

Can you run a program without an operating system?

Without an operating system, You cannot run a program that was written to be run in an operating system. Most programs are of this sort. You could write a program that runs without an operating system but this would be a very hard task, mainly because the operating system provides drivers for all the hardware.

Is Linux a closed operating system?

Linux is a free, open source operating system, released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Anyone can run, study, modify, and redistribute the source code, or even sell copies of their modified code, as long as they do so under the same license.

1 Answers

The absolute "bible" on operating system design is and was Andrew Tanenbaum's Operating Systems Design and Implementation - the "Dragon" book :-)

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There are plenty of other references, too, e.g. Developing Your Own 32-Bit Operating System.

Microsoft Research also has/had a project on creating an operating system in managed code (C#) called Singularity - that might provide some insights/papers etc.

Writing a complete OS is neither a trivial nor a quick task, though.....

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marc_s Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 11:09
