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How to process a form login using Spring Security / Spring MVC

Simple question, I just need a pointer in the right direction:

I have a simple Spring MVC/Spring Security webapp. Initially I set up Spring Security so that the default login page shows and authenticates properly (I implemented the UserDetailsService with the DaoAuthenticationProvider to do this).

Next step: replace the default spring login page with my login page and post the credentials.

But what do I do with the submitted login credentials? I assume I post the form to a controller, verify the credentials, but I'm not clear what the right step is after that. E.g.:

  • Am I calling a method of AuthenticationManager?
  • Do I need to define a bean for this?
  • Is there an interface/service I need to implement like an AuthenticationEntryPoint or something?

I've hit the docs 3 times over and don't quite follow them. I know this is dirt simple, so I just need to hear how the process should flow.

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David Parks Avatar asked Nov 01 '10 09:11

David Parks

People also ask

Does Spring Security use default login form?

Spring security secures all HTTP endpoints by default. A user has to login in a default HTTP form. To enable Spring Boot security, we add spring-boot-starter-security to the dependencies.

What is login processing URL in Spring Security?

The default URL where the Spring Login will POST to trigger the authentication process is /login, which used to be /j_spring_security_check before Spring Security 4.

2 Answers

I'll add a clarifying answer for anyone reading this in the future:

When you define the tag in spring security it will handle the login for you, I'll go over how it works in detail (wish it were this detailed in the docs):

<security:http auto-config="true">
    <security:form-login login-page="/login"
         authentication-failure-url="/login?loginError=true" />
    <security:logout logout-url="/logout" />

The login-page is the url of the login page. You should have a controller (or static HTML page) that serves this page, it's your pretty login form.

The login-processing-url is a URL which the form-login component handles. It's as if the form-login component implemented its own controller for this page. You should post your form to this page. You also need to know to name your username/password parameters "j_username" and "j_login"

Beyond this, and the rest of the reasonably obvious options above, you should have implemented a UserDetailsService - that is, create a class and implement the interface UserDetailsService which gets, and returns, a UserDetails object (username/password) for a given username - and provide that UserDetails object with the rest of the security configuration:

        <security:authentication-provider ref="daoAuthenticationProvider" />

<bean id="daoAuthenticationProvider"
    class="org.springframework.security.authentication.dao.DaoAuthenticationProvider" >
    <property name="userDetailsService" ref="myAuthorizationService" />
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David Parks Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 21:10

David Parks

Spring Security reference documentation outlines the basic processing flow in 5.4 Authentication in a Web Application. There is point #6:

Next the server will decide whether or not the presented credentials are valid. If they're valid, the next step will happen. If they're invalid, usually your browser will be asked to try again (so you return to step two above).


Spring Security has distinct classes responsible for most of the steps described above. The main participants (in the order that they are used) are the ExceptionTranslationFilter, an AuthenticationEntryPoint and an “authentication mechanism”, which is responsible for calling the AuthenticationManager which we saw in the previous section.

I have to admit, the documentation here is a bit confusing so I will give you some more pointers - the "authentication mechanism" mentioned here is the thing you are after, it is responsible for processing the credentials that the browser is sending.

As the details of attaching the credentials to HTTP request(s) vary greatly among different authentication methods (form data vs. plain headers vs. digest headers), there is no common "authentication mechanism" - instead, each method implements its own mechanism and in the case of web-based authentication, it is typically a special filter that you have to configure in web.xml.

In your case, you are most probably interested in UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter - this is used for processing basic form-based login information. The contract between your custom login form and the filter is the URL (where form is posted) + username and password field names:

The login form simply contains j_username and j_password input fields, and posts to the URL that is monitored by the filter (by default this is /j_spring_security_check).
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Neeme Praks Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 20:10

Neeme Praks